"Ditto Sweetheart"

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You sat in the car with Sam and Dean. Dean had managed to calm you down a bit, and the awkward tension had lessened.

You pulled into a gas station, and Dean got out of the car. "Hey, Sam still the same road food?" You asked him. He gave you a smile and nod.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you still remember. Thank you." He told you. You took in a breath and nodded. "No problem." You said. Thinking in the back of your mind "I'd never forget your favorite."

You got out of the front seat and walked towards Dean. "The usual for you D?" You asked.

"Yup, and don't forget the-" you cut him off with a smile "The pie. I'd never forget it! Be back!" You called from the entrance of the small shop. He shook his head and chuckled.

He didn't notice Sam getting out of the car until he spoke up.

"You guys are close," he stated. His older brother nodded his head. "Yeah, we are, closer than ever." Sam took your absence as his time to steal shotgun. With haste, he made his way to the passenger seat. Dean got in on the other side. They were both waiting for you to come back with snacks when Sam's eyes wandered to the cardboard box of cassette tapes. He picked it up in amusement. Sifting through each cassette.

"I swear man you've got to update your cassette tape collection." Sam muses.

Dean looks at his brother in mild confusion. "Why?" he asked

Sammy responded "Well, first of all, they're cassette tapes. Two, Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Metallica." he called out his brothers taste in music. Dean snatched the tape he was holding.

"It's the greatest hits of Mullet Rock." Sam teased him.

You had gotten to the car just in time to hear the small amusing encounter. You had to admit, it was good to be back together.

You opened the back door and slid in, not really minding that Sam had gotten up front seeing as you were upfront for years.

"Sammy, I thought you were better than that. I can see that your music taste has slowly deteriorated being replaced by common law, Judge, Jury, Executioner, Habeas corpus, and all that. Am I right?" you leaned over the seats to look at him. He turned to you with a serious face. "It's actually gotten better and works just fine alongside the things I learn."

"You truly did drift dear boy. Now Dean would you care to explain the house rules?" you spoke with a small smile. Dean turned to look at you and nodded.

"Alright, Sammy, House rules: Driver picks the music shotgun shuts his cakehole."

You let out a laugh and Dean glanced back with a smile of his own. Leaning over the seat you turn up the volume.

"You know Sammy is a chubby twelve-year-old. It's Sam." The youngest man stated. His voice drowned out by the music.

Dean turned to look at his brother with mock confusion. "I'm sorry, I can't hear you the music's too loud!" he exclaimed before taking off down the road once more.


Soon enough you had made it to the town. Jericho, California is where you were currently.

You had just come across a scene. Police were there and an abandoned car was what they were examining. Your brows furrowed a bit and you grabbed your fake badge. Sam saw Dean rummaging through the many badges of theirs, seeing all of those old fake identities he used to have was crazy. He never really remembered you being too great about the whole lying to authorities thing.; so seeing you like this was particularly new to him. You waited patiently for the boys so you could all get out at once.

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