Childish Infatuation?

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Dean’s arms were still around you and he slowly lifts you back into a standing position. Once you’re on your feet you don’t let go of each other. His hands are on your waist and yours are on his biceps, his green eyes still lovingly stared into yours. You have no idea what overtook you but you let your eyes close and you let yourself lean forward ever so slightly. Dean's eyes fluttered shut as well and took in a sharp breath almost believing this to be a dream. Your hands slid up and around Dean’s neck. He tilted his head the slightest bit and felt your lips brush his. His heart was in his throat in this moment and so was yours. 

Sam stood there with sad eyes and looked away deciding to go back into the little store. He couldn't break this moment because he wasn't your boyfriend, and he had Jess. Dean had no clue that he had his feelings resurfacing so he couldn't exactly go up there and out himself. He had to just sit back and let it unfold. Let the chips fall where they may. 

You never knew you wanted to feel this close to Dean. You saw him go with other girls, and you had a feeling in the pit of your stomach but you didn't know exactly what it was. Then it happened. What all those other girls got, you got with sweet intent. 
He kissed you, his lips pressed sweetly to yours. You felt it in you that spark you once felt when you first kissed Sam. With Dean, it wasn't just a spark it felt like a fire. You pulled him closer to you, and he grips your waist a little tighter. His lips moved against yours gently, he went to pull away but you kept him close. He opened his eyes just to see that your eyes were closed. He smiled not really realizing the effect he had on you, he could feel your chest rise and fall from how close you were. “Dean…” you whispered. He let out a hum as he continued to smile “kiss me again?” you gave a soft question. He needed no persuasion, leaning in one more time let his lips meet yours. You sighed into the kiss and moved your hand down his arm to grab his hand...
In a way, you were almost scared to let go and so was he. He squeezed your hand 3 times, and you returned it 4 times. He pulled away and this time was met with your beautiful (e/c) eyes looking at him. He could feel the blush on his cheeks and he could see yours. 

Being there in Dean’s arms was something that you’d never felt before. You had a feeling as to what it was because you had felt it with Sam when you were younger. But this was different, it was stronger… it was love. Real love. 
Looking back, you knew you were in love with Sam he was everything, you wanted forever with him and you thought he may have wanted that too. It just turned out that you were a little easier to leave behind than you thought, he cut ties with you and that should’ve been an indicator that it wasn’t as true as you wanted it to be. 

Being with Dean the last two years, you felt everything so vividly. It wasn’t childish fear or infatuation. It was raw emotion it didn’t matter what emotion. What you knew was that it was so real. Dean was there with you through that period of time, he was the one who showed you those things. It felt like he flew you across the whole damn world in two years, he never let you miss a thing. You loved him. You were truly in love with Dean Winchester. 

You finally knew what it was and butterflies fluttered in your stomach at the thought. You knew Dean had just kissed you but did he love you or was it just like what you had with Sam? 

“Dean I-” you tried to speak but were cut off. “Hey, guys you ready to go?” Sam’s voice broke the scene. You and Dean took a step back from each other, his hands still on your waist to help steady you. “Are you ok (y/n)?” he questioned in concern seeing how Dean was helping you stay up. “Yeah, she just made a wrong move and needed some help. She’s just going to change clothes.” Dean said and cleared his throat. Sam just nodded. “Do you need any help getting to the bathroom, I know how much you hate public restrooms.” Sam offered. You let out a sigh and a small smile “No, Sammy I’m ok thanks though. I’ll uh-I’ll be back.” you told them and they both nodded. As you made a move to step you carefully moved so you wouldn’t lose balance like last time. As you walked away you were still holding Dean’s hand. You held onto it for as long as you could before you were out of reach and it slipped from your grasp. 
You smiled at the boys before making your way to change out of your blood-stained clothes. You sighed to yourself and once you were out of view leaned against the wall. You smiled broadly and a blush covered your cheeks. 
“I love him… I love Dean Winchester,” you whispered to yourself in awe. You shook your head and pushed yourself from the wall continuing your quick but careful walk to the restroom. 

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