"But with who"

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The car ride was surprisingly long but wasn't exactly quiet between you and Dean. Sam sat quietly in the back contributing a joke or two every now and again.

You pulled up to the motel and went to get a room, you all stepped into the small check-in area Dean and you with dried mud crumbling to the floor as you walked or even moved the slightest bit. Dean gets his card out and asks for one room. You were ok with it because you never minded having to sleep next to one of the boys. It was something that occurred a lot when you were younger. You mainly shared a bed with Sam but there were instances where you'd share with Dean.

Now after everything you had decided you wanted a separate room from them. The man looks at the card and then back at all of you.

"You guys having a reunion or something?" the man asked in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Sam asked

That other guy, Bert Aframian, he came in and bought out a room for the whole month." He answered Sam. Your eyes widened and a little smile almost came over your face at the thought of both Dean and his dad used the same last name.

"Yup that's right a whole family reunion. Now if I could book one more room please?" You reply to the man politely. The boys stared at you in shock, they had never seen you take a separate room away from them.

"Yeah, here you go, the older man passed you your key and you made your way out of the door. The boys followed suit in haste. "Hey, hey, hey, what was that all about?" Dean asked in concern. "You've never done that before. We've always been good sleeping in the same room." Sam spoke as well. You let out a big sigh and grabbed your duffle. "I know, but I just thought having some time on my own would help me focus better right now. It's nothing you boys have done, I just want to be alone for a while. I'm fine." you stated trying to reassure them.

They both eyed you suspiciously as you walked away from them into a room a few doors away from where their dads was. You put your things in your room quickly taking a shower before heading over to John's room to meet up with the boys.

You knock on the door and Sam opens it. He lets you in and you notice that Dean isn't in the room. You looked around slightly confused, Sam saw the look on your face and answered your unspoken question. "Dean's in the shower." "Oh yeah of course he is. So what else have you gotten on the case?" You ask and walk over to the wall covered in different newspaper clips and articles.

He watches you walk away from him and sighs. "Uh, mostly the same stuff a few things are new though." "those being?" you asked him about their new findings.

He turned to look at you and met your gaze. You both just stared for a few seconds, before you shook your head and cleared your throat. Sam then spoke up "Constance, she's a woman in white. We think dad burned the bones but something else is tying her here." he informed you. "Ok, well we need to find out what is tying her here if we're gonna get you back by Monday," you said. You sighed and sat at the end of the bed not wanting to think about Sam leaving again. After everything that happened last night, your heart was still wounded even more so than before. You now felt scared to let yourself be vulnerable in front of Sam. following what you had said that first night you now had no intention of letting your guard down like you used to. You didn't want him to see how hurt you were, so when he came to sit next to you, you tensed up.

"(y/n), I just wanted to say that I'm sorr-" you didn't let him finish. "It's fine Sam, ok let's just focus on this case," you told him. He nodded and pulled out his phone.

"Um... I'm-I'm going to call Jess, I promised to check-in," he said hesitantly. Your breath got caught in your throat. "Yeah ok, go ahead." You said to him. He gave you a weary smile before opening up his phone to find her number.

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