Risk It

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You and Sam both began spitballing ideas of how to break Dean out. An idea suddenly popped into your mind and you gasped in excitement. Sam was surprised by your little outburst and slammed the brakes. "What happened? Are you ok?!" he frantically asked, looking over at you. His eyes were wide in fear, and yours were wide in surprise from his abrupt stop. You looked right back at him and saw his worry ridden face. You clasped your hand over your mouth and tried to stop the laughter from bubbling up. The look on his face was priceless, you had no idea he would stop like that. It freaked you out for a minute but seeing his face and knowing why he stopped so rapidly was so funny to you. "What the hell (y/n)?" he asked in exasperation. "I'm sorry, your face, it was so funny. I had no idea you would stop like that." you laughed.

He looked at you and sighed leaning his head back. "I thought something was wrong. You scared me you duck!" he exclaimed. You just laughed louder at the name. He used to call you that instead of saying "idiot" or "dumbass". You don't exactly know why it happened but one day you had done something stupid and the first thing he could think of was to call you a duck. No reason behind the name it was just what he said. "Ok, ok. I was just going to say I have an idea about how to get Dean out of there." you said breathless from laughing so much. Your cheeks were hurting from the smile on your face. Luckily for you both, the road was pretty dead so no cars were coming. Since you had stopped so suddenly Sam never pulled over. "Well. what is it?" he asked in curiosity. "You should probably start driving, and I'll let you know." you said. He sighed and nodded checking around him he started the car once again before taking off down the road.

"I was thinking we could just fake a 911 call. You know, it's easy enough," you told the younger brother. "Ok, great let's do it then. There's a diner up here I'll park and I can call," he said, already pulling into the parking lot. He parked and turned to you reaching for your phone. "Alright gimme'," he said motioning for you to hand the phone over to him so he could make the call.

"What, why do you get to do it?" you ask in annoyance. He looked at you in confusion "I know you hate dealing with or lying to the authorities so I was just gonna call for you." he said, his tone was filled with bewilderment. "I've grown up Sammy. I can lie to the authorities now, no problem." you said to him. He just stared at you in what seemed to be awe. He remembered you being too scared to break the law, you wouldn't even like to sneak into a building for a hunt. Now he's hearing that it was no problem at all. The sweet 20-year-old who was still just a young woman. The one who was too scared to do any wrong was sitting next to him fully ready to commit the crime of faking a 911 call. It blew his mind how much he missed in just two years.

"Oh, uh, alright then, take it away," he said and leaned back against the seat but facing you as best as he could. You dialed the number quickly and put on a rather good show. He was impressed. It seemed like there was so much that he didn't know about you, and was in awe of you when you did something he had never seen you do before.

"Hello. I uh-uh, I'm scared. I Just heard gunshots outside of my house." you winked at Sam, he just smiled and shook his head. "Where are you, ma'am? What is your loca-" you cut her off with a yell. "No, no no! Please hurry my neighbors, they're screaming, they have kids! You have to help please!" you cried into the phone. "Calm down, miss, just stay on the line. What is your location.?" she asked you calmly. "Whiteford road. Please hurry." you told her breathlessly. Quickly you slammed the phone shut and got out of the car using the butt of your gun to smash it. It was a burner phone but you had to make sure nothing got tied back to you. You smiled triumphantly and slid back into the passenger seat, you looked over at Sam to see an amused and dumbfounded look raiding his features. "Not too bad for a duck. Not too bad." Sam gave a small applaud. You did a little bow as best you could in the car and giggled. "I think it was damn Oscar-worthy. Now! Let's get Dean!" you exclaimed. He laughed and nodded his head.

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