They Accidentally Make You Cry

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Akira spends a lot of time with his group. This includes the female members. His kind nature often could be mistaken for flirting. This bothered you, but you ignored it. But recently, he had been so busy. With school, the other members of the group, and with his work for the group. You were secretly being torn down by this, sort of thinking he was just finding excuses to ignore you. You wanted to push away that thought so badly, but the pain was so excruciating. You loved him so much, and the possibility that you two were fading broke your heart. One day, after distancing yourself from him for a couple days, you decided to go to his home and try to talk to him again. You walked into the coffee shop, greeted by Sojiro. "Hey again, kid. Lookin for Akira?" You nodded with a smile. "I saw him go out earlier, but he should be back upstairs by now. Go on up," he told you, continuing to clean dishes and glasses. You went upstairs and looked into his 'room.' No one was there. You heard some male voices downstairs. But your own pain was drowning them out. You gave up on hoping that he actually loved you. If he did, he would have made an effort to talk to you, or hang out with you. You sat down on his small bed, your eyes filling with tears. You let out a couple sobs, soon followed by a pair of arms wrapping around your body. You immediately returned the embrace, crying into the male's shoulder. After a moment, you looked up to see that familiar black hair you adored. "Ak- Akira?," you muttered softly. He hushed you, pulling you back into his shoulder. "This is all my fault," he said calmly, but his pale face was guilt-written. "I was just so busy.. and I was trying to help everyone else. I'm so sorry I couldn't make time for you.. I am so so sorry, dear." You just cried more, embarrassment eating away at you. "Akira I'm sorry I was so suspicious.. I just missed you," you spoke. He rubbed your back slowly, resting his head on top of yours. "You've nothing to apologize for.. I love you, and I am so sorry," he said once more. "I forgive you, Aki." He smiled, pulled you out of his shoulder, and rubbed some tears from your cheeks with his thumb. "I love you." You both said this in unision, and fell asleep while holding each other.


Ryuji talks... a lot. He often can say things that he doesn't mean. For example, if he gets frustrated, he might start going on and on about whatever comes to his head. He tries to be careful about what he says around you, since he would never ever say something to hurt your feelings. But does he slip sometimes? Yes. You and him had just exited the metaverse after a long battle to change someone's heart. During the fight, you almost got stabbed in the stomach, but Ryuji jumped on top of you, pushing both you out of the way. He didn't speak to you until you were finally back to the real world. You two were walking back to your house. He looked pissed off, as if he had a lot to get out. "Ryu?," you asked while tilting your head. "What?," he said rather coldly. You flinched slightly. "What's wrong?," you questioned with concern. "Are you serious, babe?!," he said angrily with a small laugh. "I always have to look out for you in the fuckin' metaverse, and it's so effin' hard! Sometimes I just wish you were fucking stronger! Damn it!! Why do I LOVE YOU SO MUCH?! DAMN IT!" He shoved you at the end of his short rant. Not enough to harm you, just enough to surprise you. Your eyes widened at him. He was standing there with his head down, breathing heavily. You teared up. Maybe he's just finally done with you. You're nothing more than a burden to him. You looked to the ground and continued walking, tears beginning to fall down your cheeks. "Babe?," he called. "Babe!," he grabbed your shoulders and turned you around to face him. You lowered your head. His face grew burdened by panic. "BABY!! I'M SO SORRY!!," he yelled, causing you to start crying harder, due to his loud volume. He immediately realized his actions and he started crying as well. He was just stressed and took it out on you. He loves you, he didn't mean to hurt you one bit. You looked up at him. "Y-Yu..?" He made eye contact with you and slowly hugged you. His whole figure was covered in guilt and fear of losing you. You hugged back softly. Poor boy was in so much pain now. "I di-didn't mean it, hun!," he choked out. "I p-promise!! You're so-so strong and I w-was just s-s-stre..," the rest was muffled as he hid in your shoulder. You could make out his multiple apologies, and you pat the back of his head to confirm that you forgave him. He sighed. You did the same. "I'm sor-," you cut him off by kissing him. "I love you, Yuji." 


Obviously, Yusuke is usually calm, composed, and keeps his emotions to himself. After the whole Madarame incident, it made it difficult for him to get close to people. You were his childhood friend. He trusted you with his life after Madarame. You two never argued. You simply clicked, and you stayed that way. Now, you two are dating. One day, Yusuke did a beautiful painting. That day, you vividly remember the rain falling gently outside, and you sitting on your boyfriend's bed. There was soft music playing on the radio, and Yusuke was focused on his work. Occasionally, he would look up at you and give you a warm smile, then continue with the brush. You sat in an elegant position, your legs tucked under your thighs, your head tilted to look out the window. Your hands folded, they rested on top of your thighs. "The sketch is done, my dear. You can move now." You smiled at his words and sat in a more comfortable position. "Can I see?," you asked. "Wait until it's finished," the dark blue haired boy replied. You huffed playfully and sat by the window and watched the rain turn into snow. An hour later, he gave you the painting. It was ethereal. You couldn't believe your eyes. You were awestruck. "Yusuke.. I..," you stopped speaking and threw your arms around him. He gasped. "Hu-Huh? Is it that bad?," he mumbled genuinely. "What? No! It's not bad at all! It's incredible, I love it so much!" He smiled a bit. "I'm glad, Y/N," he spoke quietly. That day was so beautiful to you. The painting stayed in his dorm, hung up on the wall. It meant the world to you. It was a reminder of your love for Yusuke, and the joy that one day gave to you. But one day, you came to his dorm, to see the painting gone. "Yusuke?," you called. "You home?" He emerged from the bathroom. "Hello, dear," he spoke while kissing your hand. "Where is 'Silent Lullaby?'" That is what he had named the painting. "Oh? That thing? I had an interview for an art program, and they wanted to see some of my work. So I brought them here, and they fell in love with it. They gave me 1,032,400 yen for it." Your eyes widened. "Y-You sold it?," you asked in shock. "It was just lying around. I never really admired the way it came out anyways." He didn't understand your concern. "I loved that painting...," you mumbled, half to yourself. He gasped. "You did? My, I'm sorry," he spoke calmly. Tears fell onto your cheeks and you quickly brushed them away. "It's fine. I'm just overreacting," you sniffed. Yusuke placed a hand on your damp cheek, rubbing it softly. "Y/N, I had no idea how much the painting meant to you. I am truly so sorry for upsetting you.. You know I would never mean it.. I love you. I'm so sorry for making you cry..," he said apologetically. You rubbed your eyes and shook your head. "I forgive you, Yu. I love you more," you smiled weakly. He made sure that kept anything he did for you now. 

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