They Cheat (or so you thought..)

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It had been 2 weeks since you confronted Akira. You found him and Ann kissing in an alleyway. Your heart shattered at that moment. When he turned to see you watching them, his heart dropped. "Y/N!," he called out, but you were already running home. You slammed the door shut, running up to your bedroom. Minutes later, you heard frantic knocking at the front door. "GO AWAY, KURUSU." The knocking did not cease. You ran downstairs and opened the door, your boyfriend falling flat on his face in front of you. "Agh..," he muttered, picking up his glasses and placing them back onto his pale face. "Y/N..," he said while standing up. You stared at him. "What." He looked at the ground. "She kissed me. I didn't know she was going to. She just did,I swear..," he said pleadingly, taking your hand in his. You pulled away. "I need some time away from you.. I always knew you liked her.." "Y/N!," he called out as you shut the door once more and ran up to your room.

(2 Weeks Later)

You lay on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. Thoughts flooded your mind. You couldn't stop them. They wouldn't end. He would never cheat.. He was telling the truth. What was I thinking? I probably broke his heart... Ugh.. What do I do now... You got up from your bed and pulled your phone from your nightstand. You opened your messages and clicked on his contact. You shakily sigh and begin typing.

You: Hey Akira

Akira: Hey.

You: Can we meet up at Leblanc at 4? We need to talk...

Akira: Of course we can. About what?

You: Us.

Akira: .....

Akira: ah. well, ill see you then.

You shut your phone off and teared up. You didn't want to see him. You were so scared. You got ready, a couple hours passed, and before you knew it, you were on your way to the coffee shop. You walked inside, immediately spotting the boy with silky black hair and gray pools for eyes. You ran up to him and hugged him tightly, digging your face into the crook of his neck. "I knew you would never cheat.. I was blinded by jealousy, Akira.. I'm so sorry.. I jumped straight to conclusions. I'm so sorry.." Your voice was weak and muffled. You soon felt a hand clutch the back of your head and rub your hair lightly. "No, I'm sorry, Y/N. You had every right to be mad. It did look pretty bad without context, huh?," he said with a small smile. You let out a sigh. "I love you Aki..," you mumbled into his neck. "I love you more, dear."

Ryuji: This boy would be a total MESS if you thought he was cheating. It all started with the new girl at school. She was a bleach blonde, perfect body, blue-green eyes. She was gorgeous. Shiori was her name. She caught almost every guy's attention. "Hey, um.. Do you know where my homeroom is?," she spoke to Ryuji with her sweet voice. He turned to look at her. "Yeah." He pointed towards a door down the hall. She smiled. "Thank you, Mr....," she trakled off. "Ryuji. Ryuji Sakamoto!" He smiled back. They talked for a little while before she walked off to class. He smiled and waved. Jealousy began to bubble up in your chest, but you pushed it down. He just has a new friend. A pretty.. sweet.. gorgeous... friend, you thought. A couple weeks passed, and oh, has it been a hell for you.

You: Hey Ryu!^^

Ryuji: Hey baby!

You: Want to come over tomorrow? We can watch a movie or binge some TV, whatever you want.

Ryuji: Shoot :(  you know I'd love to babe, but I'm busy tomorrow. I'm sorry

You: Oh haha its ok! You're busy again? So far you've been busy everyday literally, for the past two weeks- is everything alright Ryu?

Ryuji: Yes! Everything's fine, again, im really sorry :/

You grunt and shut off your phone. He's cheating on you, isn't he. He barely answers your calls and texts. Ever since he met Shiori. He probably loved her. Her body. Her face. Her smile. Her personality. Ugh. You finally rub your red eyes and pick up your cell phone again.

You: hey Ryuji

Ryuji: hey sweetie!

You: we need to talk

Ryuji: Oh, about what?

You: Can we just meet up at the track real quick? Please?

Ryuji: Yeah, that works. Ill see ya there babe <3

You threw on a pair of sneakers and a hoodie, and ran downstairs, and out the door. You began running to the track. You got there quickly, since it wasn't far from your house. You were nervous that Ryuji would stand you up. Stop thinking like that... You waited about 15 minutes before Ryuji showed up, you were about to leave, but he came just in time. "Hey baby- Woah, what's wrong? You look like you haven't slept in days!," he spoke to you, about to hold your hands. You pushed him away. "Have you been cheating on me with Harunone?," you strictly asked him. His eyes widened. "What? No! Of course not!" He looked so taken aback. "But she's so- PRETTY! I SEE THE WAY ALL OF THE GUYS LOOK AT HER, RYUJI! AND I KNOW YOU THINK OF HER MORE THAN YOU DO ME!!," you snapped. He flinched. You sigh softly. "I'm sorry," you mutter. Ryuji didn't reply. You shut your eyes tight and waited for a response. Nothing. Your eyelids fluttered open to see your boyfriend rubbing his brown eyes and sniffing. It hit you. Kamoshida. You knew all about Ryuji and his part in the Phantom Thieves. He helped Akira and Ann change Kamoshida's heart. This must have been so much on him.. and plus, he was probably helping the group with other plans. And now you think he's cheating? He must feel so awful. Tears stream down his cheeks, and he continues to stay silent. "Ryuji..," you spoke warmly, completely opposite from a minute ago. "Ryuji, I'm so sorry.." You walked over to him and hugged him close. He immediately hugged back, shoving his face into your shoulder. He hated showing you negative emotions. He wanted to be happy around you all the time. Just happy. All because he wanted to keep you happy. But every once in awhile, you tried to convince him that you were going to be there for him when he needed to stop being so strong. Now he needed you more than ever, and you almost pushed him away. You calmly stroked his short blonde hair, keeping his head close to you. You guys stayed like that for a good 2 minutes. He slowly removed his head from your grasp. "Ryuji, I'm so so sorry for accusing you..." He put on a smile and shook his head. "I understand, it probably seems like I was..," he mutters. You rub some tears from his cheeks and hug him again. This time, HE keeps YOU close, your head resting on his protective chest. "I love you so much, Y/N," he said to you, kissing the top of your head. "I love you more."

A/N: Okay, wow, the Ryuji one was a lot longer than the Akira one, sorry about that! 😂

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