You Find Them When They're Upset

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As you probably know, Akira is definitely not one to show his emotions openly to others, in order of putting their emotions before his. He never really opens up. Until one day. You went to Leblanc after school. You noticed that your boyfriend wasn't there that day, so you just wanted to check in on him. Sojiro smiled at you as you walked in the door. "Hey, Kiddo," he said while cleaning a glass and placing it on the counter. "Hey Sojiro," you said while returning the smile. "Is he here? He wasn't at school today." Sojiro nodded and flung a dishrag over his shoulder. He's upstairs, been there most of the day. I don't know what's up with him. He's more quiet than usual today." "Mind if I go check on him?," you asked calmly. He nodded once more. "Go ahead. Let me know if you need anything, kid." You smiled once more at him and went up to the attic to find Akira. You entered his room, and saw him sitting on top of his bed, his glasses on his nightstand. He was staring at his phone, and tears were slowly rolling down his cheeks. He noticed your presence quickly and rubbed them away, placed his phone down, and grabbed his glasses. "Hey, Y/N," he smiled and stood up. "Akira, honey.. what's wrong?," you said softly while walking over to the boy. "What do you mean? I'm alright. Just had a little fever this morning, I'm fine now," he said, clearly lying. Something was bugging him. You placed a hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes. "You've been crying." You sat the both of you down, and you noticed he didn't reply to you. His smile slightly dropped. You rubbed his hand softly with your thumb and looked at him again. "I know you didn't have a fever. What's bothering you?," you prompted gently. His gray eyes begun watering once more, and he finally hung his head low. His lip shook slightly as he tried to maintain himself. He started crying silently, not saying one word. You didn't know what was going on, but you didn't push him any further. You wrapped your arms around him carefully, and brought him close to you. "I just.. Feel like I could do so-so much b-better for the team.. I've been such a shitty leader..I let you get hurt.. I just.. it's sostressful, keeping up this strong facade.. maybe I am really just a delinquent.. just like how everyono sees me." His words broke your heart. You held him a bit tighter. "Akira, none of that is true.. You've been the best leader. It's okay to let down your walls sometimes.. it's normal. It's good for you. I love you so much, you're doing so amazing, honey," you said softly as you placed a kiss on his head. He sniffed a little and rubbed his eyes. He became more aware of your close embrace and melted into it, wrapping his arms around you and clinging to you. He had his face dug into your shoulder. You could feel his body shake slightly with sobs. You rubbed his back gently until he calmed down. Eventually, the usually strong boy pulled his head out of your shoulder to kiss you softly on your lips. He was thankful for your comfort. You kissed back and smiled. He rubbed his eyes again and sighed contently. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this, dear," he muttered with a soft chuckle. "Akira, don't you dare apologize. I will always be here for you, no matter what life throws your way." He sniffed and hugged you once again, smiling. Your darling was back.

Ryuji Sakamoto:

Ryuji is the opposite of Akira. He's loud, energetic, and always says what's on his mind. But usually, he doesn't want people seeing his weak side, and negative emotions. Especially you. One day, you noticed Ryuji was being oddly quiet at school. You asked him multiple times if he was okay, but he kept blowing it off and telling you he was fine. But you could see straight through his smile. You knew when something was off with your boyfriend. After school, you shot him a text.

Y/N: Hey Yuji!
Ryuji: Hey babe :)
Y/N: Can I come over? I'd like to talk to you and hang out for a bit if we can.
No response. You decided to just go. You wanted to help him and find out what was up with him. You made your way to his home, and knocking on the door almost in an urgent manner, you received a text.
Ryuji: It's open. Come on in.
You did as you were told. You didn't see him or his mother. "Yuji?," you called. You walked upstairs to his bedroom to see if that's where he was. You slowly opened the door to see a huddled up Ryuji, his head inhis knees. His body was slighting shaking. "Baby..," you said softly while making your way over to him. You sat down in front of him and wrapped your arms around him in a tight hug. He immediately hugged back, crying hardly into your shoulder. "Babe, what's going on? I'm right here," you stated calmly. He pulled his head out of your shoulder and looked at you. His face was so distraught and pained. Why? Who did this?, you thought silently. You took your thumb and rubbed away his tears carefully. "I.. It's not a big deal, babe," he sighed. "Yes it is!," you told him. "You're clearly very upset, and I want to help! What's wrong?," you prompted. He looked down at the ground. "I just.. feel so.. dumb. I feel like no one really takes me seriously. I'm useless to our team. Why do you even like me?," he let out. You held his hand in yours, kissing his cheeks softly. "Baby.. we love you so much.. you are NOT useless, or dumb. We do take you seriously. Even if it doesn't seem like it.. I'm so sorry I couldn't see your pain earlier.." He let out a soft chuckle. "Thanks, babe," he smiled a little. You brought him into your arms once more. You two stayed there for a minute.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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