CHP. 26 "Push"

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The boy's werent to sure about the jumping thing, but they didnt have time to sit around and find a new plan, they needed to get out before the grivers killed them. "Well you hear the girl, lest jump and get the shuck out of here" Minho yelled out. "Ok Helena, Chuck and I are going to go first then, Minho and Newt are going to make sure everyone makes it through" Thomas yelled out. Everyone had plank expressions. Thomas jumped first, then Chuck and then it was Helena's turn. She closed her eyes and didnt think about it. She jumped and didnt open her eyes, for a moment, she felt like she was flying, it felt like if she was never going to touch the ground. When Helena finally  made it down, she landed on something, she wasnt to sure what, she rolled over and got up, she had landed on Chuck. "That hurt ya know" Chuck said with a pain in is back. He had trouble getting up so Helena and Thomas stepped in to help. The other started to come through.

When Newt and Minho finally came down, they needed to get going. tehy started walking in this dark tunel when they found a keyboard attached to the wall. That was were they needed to enter the code they had found. "We need t...." Helena got cut off by a big noise, everyone turned around at one, there was a griver. "I think I just Klunked my self" Chuck wispered to himself. "Lookes like were fighting again" Thomas said. All of the gladers got there their weepons out. Helena didnt have any weepons so she wouldnt be able to fight. "Thomas" She yelled out "Chuck and I are going to enter the code". Helena and Chuck started running towards the keyboard. "Helena were are you going" Newt asked. "I'm going to enter the code" She yelled out." Alright be safe" Newt said. Helena smiled and blew him a kiss and started running towards the keyboard again. She started typing: float, catch, bleed, death, stiff, Push. Everything was going well until Helena typed Push, it wouldnt go through and she needed to hurry, the boys wouldnt be able to fight off those griver all day. "Thomas, It's not working" Helena yelled. Thomas was fighting a griver with Newt and Minho. He looked back at me, he wasnt to sure what to say. "Push" Chuck yelled. Helena didnt understand what he meant. "Push the red button" Chuck yelled. Helena handent realized the red button until Chuck pointed it out. Helena rewrote the code and once done, Chuck pushed the button.  nothing happened.  But after a while, A door opened on the side of the wall, it was their way out "Newt, Thomas Minho, Get the other's we got the way out, it's now or never come on" Helena yelled. Thomas and Newt had just killed one griver, but their wasnt only one and They needed to find a way to get out without anyone dying. "Newt get the other, Minho and I will distract the griver's" Thomas yelled out. Newt got straight to it. He started running to go get the other boys. He started yelling at them to go see Helena and Chuck that were waiting for them.

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