CHP.28 "The creators"

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The glader's hesitated, they werent to sure about walking out that door, what if it was a trap. "Guess this is our way out" Helena said. Everyone looked at her. Minho stepped foward and opened that door. The glader's endend up in some underground chamber big enough to hold nine or ten homesteads. From top to bottom, side to side, the place was covered in all kinds of machinery and wires and ducts and computers. On the side of the room, there was a row of forty or so large white pods that looked like enormous conffins. Across from that on the other side stood large glass doors but the lighting made it impossible to see what was on the other side. "Look" A boy yelled from the back. Everyone turned around to see what was there, someone was approching the group of gladers. "Who's there Minho yelled and then pointed a knife towards the person.

The person got out from the shadows and they were able to see the person better, it was a tall girl with short black hair. She was weering green glasses and a white lad coat with WICKED writon on the side. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you Minho, just put you're weapon down but if you're stupid enough to use it on me, I have a team of people ready to attack you and put you down" The girl said. "How do you know my name" Minho asked and put his weapon down but the girl ignored his question. Helena found that the girl looked strangly familiar and that was when it had clicked, the girl was Alex, the girl that gave her the note and that was in her dreams. "Nice to see you again Helena" Alex then said breaking the silence. Everyone turned to face Helena, "You know her" Newt asked surpised. "Yes, no well I think I do, or I did at least" Helena said wispering to Newt. "Now you may be wondering who I am" Alex said. "You're the shuck creators that who you are, oh I'm going to break you're shuck face when I have the chance" Minho yelled out agravated. Thomas took Minho and told him to calm down. "Yes, yes Minho I am, we are. We've been watching you for years, I see that Helena had changed quite something, I knew you would do well" Alex paused. "You may not understand why but you will soon enough. Now, I don't want you to worry, you're safe now" Alex then finished by saying. "Who are you" Helena said changing the subject. "I told you I'm...." Alex then got cut off by Helena "Ya, ya you're a creator but to me who are you" Helena then continued. Alex smiled. "Well, I'm you're friend, havent you seen the note" Alex said. Helena took a step back, she couldnt believe all of the was happening, she was so confiused. She looked over at Newt, he looked has confiused has she did, she got closer to him and took his hand. "Now, lest get down to buisness, chancellor Paige will be with you soon" Alex then said and walked away. No one said a word, they were still trying to process everything, all of this happened all to fast. Thomas and Helena were the least nervous about everything, the other's tried to stay calm but you could see it in there eyes that they werent and some of the were scared. All of this was all so weird. The glader's stayed put waiting for this Chancellor Paige to arrive, who was she, and what did she want?

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