ignore and stay with the helicopter

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Liam PoV

I obeyed Jacob, I'm new to this planet, I don't know what's in the jungleLiam: Well, I'll stay here, but I really hope you know what you're doing

I sat in the helicopter and waited for Mary and the others to return

??? (radio): Liam ...... Jac ...... run away ..... it's ...... a trap

we heard a faint signal from our radio

Jacob: Damn, I knew it, those stupid homely furs can't be trusted

the last time we heard a call for help from an earlier voice

??? : help, someone help me, help

Jacob: Liam, forget it, we have to get out of here

I nodded and boarded the helicopter and flew away

Jacob: Damn, it was fucking close

Liam: God, they captured Mary, Meril and the others !!!!

Jacob: There's nothing you can do about it, we have to disappear

Jacob turned the helicopter toward the base, on the way I noticed a group of furs running through the jungle, our people were among them, they didn't seem to be defending themselves, they seemed to be fleeing with them

Liam: I see our people

Jacob: WHERE?

I pointed to a small path where they run

Jacob: The machine gun in the back is locked and loaded

I walked to the back door, pushed it away and pulled out the M60 machine gun, I started firing


I hit a couple of them, but they don't seem to mind, now they're angry and shot at us, one broke through the pilot's window and luckily didn't hit Jacob

Jacoba: we take too much damage

Jacob turned the helicopter and avoided further encounters with the fur natives

Diana PoV

damn the human one didn't jump at me, he ran away with the other in an iron bird, I went back to the others with my sister, I found out that they were attacking them on the run, Mary, Meril and the others were trying to treat our wounded

Diana: Damn stupid human, I'd kill them all right away

Mary: Diana your father is wounded, you should see him

my heart was overcome by sadness I ran to my wounded father who is leaning against a tree, his shoulder was bandaged

Diana: Are you okay, father?

Brif: I'm fine, my daughter, Mary helped me

Mary: Don't worry Diano your father just needs to sew the hands together

I realized that such things are used by humans, we do not have such things

Cora: But Mary uses such things human, we don't know how to make these things

Meril: we can get such things in human security camps

Brif: these places are pretty dangerous

Diana: Don't worry, Father, I'll get you the right medicine

Timeskip (location - human base: hell gate)

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