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Liam Pov 

 I opened my eyes, I was lying in a meadow, I couldn't move a single part of my body, I saw that I had landed on a rock, there was blood all around me, fuck I'm going to die here

 ??? : Grandma I found someone

??? : who is it ? 

??? : it 's very similar to my dad

I began to close my eyes again and the voices around me began to fade 

 ??? : we meet again the chosen ones, only in exactly pleasant conditions

Liam : H ... HE-L ..... help

??? : don't worry, chosen one, you will get what you deserve

I closed my eyes and passed out again

  timeskip ??? later 

 I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling of a shack, I could smell the pleasant smell of food but I didn't feel any pain ...... the moment when I feel the food means I don't have an oxygen mask, I got up quickly I got to my feet, I found that I was taller, I turned around and accidentally knocked some things off the table, I found that I had a tail and fur and wolf ears ........ I look like a native, I took a small mirror that lay on the ground, I look like a white wolf with oranges stripes around the hands and a blue flame of hair 

 ??? : you finally woke up my love

I turned and saw that it was Cora, she hugged me, but this time I was just as tall 

 Liam: Cora what's going on ??! Cora just laughed, grabbed my hands 

Cora: My mother and your friends saved your life Liam: does that mean ....?

Cora: Exactly, you're one of us now 

I couldn't believe it, Cora led me out of a hut where there were a lot more people than I had ever seen, they met all the tribes and slowly unpacked things, it seemed that everyone was having fun Leela: I'm glad the ritual went well I turned to see the same princess I thought was dead

 Liam: I see you can do real miracles 

Leela: Don't thank me, you should also thank your friends

Cora led me through the now newly built village to a small park where children play, so I saw Diana and Jacob, but Jacob no longer had an oxygen mask.

Liam: Jacob, like you don't have an oxygen mask anymore

Jacob looked at me with Diana and their son

Jacob: Hi sleepyhead, I thought I'd have to get you out of that bed in person

Diana: Alex go say hello to your uncle

their son walked over to me and waved at me

Alex: Hi, Uncle Liam

then he went to play with the other children

Liam: Incredible

Jacob: Indeed, thanks to our son's blood, we made a medicine that allows us all to breathe freely

Liam: I have a lot of questions

Diana: Your wife should answer them more than we should

Cora pulled my hand and we walked again, I couldn't believe it, it's all happening so fast

Liam: I feel like the world has changed in my absence

Cora: a lot and only for good Liam: What happened to your brother? Cora: He ran away and no one knows where and I really hope he never comes back I laughed because it couldn't be better

Liam: And what will happen now?

Cora: I just want to do one thing now

Liam: and what ...

Cora grabbed my head and kissed me hard on the lips, her lips were tender and lasting, after a while we kissed our kiss and set out to meet the new days

Timeskip 3 years later

in the end I married Cora, I also met the chief of our tribe because people invited me thanks to my abilities, Diana and Jacob got married even earlier, I allowed some to return to planet earth, after a few days only civilians and soldiers returned without weapons, we have started a new and great era of life and if you ask what happened to Henry ..... I heard that the warriors tore so much that there was nothing left of him at all, and it will happen to anyone who wants to harm my people on the planet PANDORA

Corporal Max: the next story is successfully over and only with your help we got here again

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