Chapter 7

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School after hours where a few hallways are dark and classrooms are empty always felt like an alternative universe. Like we weren't supposed to be there, but we had permission. Sasha and Lydia walk inside the building with me. The sound of a guitar echoing from the gym.

"Luke." We all say at the same time, laughing as we walk towards it. "This is kind of creepy." Lydia says and glances around the empty hallways. She always got scared way too easily. We couldn't even walk down the sidewalk in broad daylight without her being paranoid. "Ooo, spooky." Sasha picks at her making Lydia nudge her a little. I laugh at them and shake my head. The guitar stops and we all look at each other. I raise my eyebrow before continuing to walk. The halls were empty and quiet. Other than the sound of our shoes on the ground. I feel someone grab my hand and yank me into an empty classroom, making Sasha and Lydia scream. They begin taking off running towards the gym. The chuckle in my ear immediately gives away that it's Luke. "Real mature, asshole. Scaring two teenage girls." I push his chest lightly and shake my head. "You were scared too. Cmon." He teases. I roll my eyes at him, walking out of the classroom. He smiles and quickly follows me.

"Just admit it, you were scared too." Luke presses on as we walk. "You know what, Patterson? You wanna be annoying? It's my turn for a game." I say before quickly taking off running down another part of the hallway. He looks confused before sprinting after me. "Y/n!" He calls after me. I laugh when I hear it echo. I run into a classroom and run through another door, closing it quickly behind me. Luke's footsteps behind me can't be heard anymore. I assume I lost him and reach over to flip on the light. It was the art room. Reggie's favorite room. I smile and walk over to a few drawings, trying to find Reggie's. It was a cute drawing of a potted plant. His name was signed at the bottom with a smiley face beside it. I completely forgot Luke and I were playing hide and seek when the door swung open. "Real mature, Y/n. Running away and making me chase you for almost ten minutes." He shakes his head and leans on the door frame. I laugh at him and look over. He smiles a little turning his gaze away from me quickly. I notice the smile before he does.

"Check out Reggie's amazing art." I pick it up to show him. He walks over to get a better look at it. "I think you have something right.. here." I say, wiping blue paint on his nose. His jaw drops and his eyes widen as he looks at me. "You did not." I laugh softly and nod. He takes some paint and smears it on my face. I try to grab his hand to stop him, but it doesn't work. He chuckles softly at my paint covered face. I cross my arms and glare at him. "Awh. Poor princess." He fake pouts at me. I take more paint and smear it down his shirt, smiling with an amused look at his face. "Poor princess." I repeat after him making him scoff. He quickly begins to tickle my sides which makes me lean into him a little to keep from falling over. I laugh really hard as I try to get out of his grasps. My hand accidentally knocks over the rest of the paint onto the floor.

"Oh no!" I say laughing more even though he's stopped tickling me. He chuckles more at me and shakes his head. "We're going to be in so much trouble.." I look up at him. "Better make it worth it.." He mumbles, slowly leaning in to press his lips to mine. I kiss him back as my hands move to his hair. His hands find their way to my waist to draw me in closer to him. I smile softly and pull away from him. "Next game, Patterson." I say before quickly running away from him. He sighs and tilts his head back. "Jeez." He mumbles, starting in the direction I went.

I go into the girls bathroom to wash off the paint. I didn't realize Luke smeared red paint on me, the blue combined making it purple. I laugh quietly to myself as Sasha and Lydia walk in to find me. "You're a mess." Lydia says and shakes her head at me. "Luke's fault." I say, wiping the paint off my chin and lips. "Did Luke also teach you how to mix colors?" Sasha teases making me quickly look at her. "What do you mean?" I ask trying to not make it seem to obvious especially since I didn't know where Alex was.

"Oh come on. Our art teacher hasn't bought the color purple in almost three months. Plus, Luke had only blue on his shirt. You have red on your lower back." Lydia says in a matter of fact way. I turn to look at my back in the mirror and sure enough, two hand prints of red were on my shirt. No way in hell I could let Alex see this. "Do you guys have another shirt?" I ask, looking at them frantically. Sasha quickly walks out to go to her locker to check. "How long have you guys been a thing?" Lydia asks, helping me wipe some paint off my forehead. "Well.. we're not actually a thing right now." I say quietly. She looks at me and raises her eyebrow. I know what she's thinking. She knows how Luke's reputation is with girls. He's a player and she doesn't like the idea of how he treats girls like they're just objects. Which he used to. He doesn't anymore. He's grown up a lot since freshman year.

"I don't know if I trust that." She says wetting the paper towel a bit more to finish cleaning my face off. "I don't know how I feel either." I say honestly sighing softly. A big part of me was leaning towards Luke. The smallest part was worried. What if he did just use me and leave? Alex would kill him first of all but still. It was just a lot to think about. Sasha walks back into the bathroom. "Luke gave me a flannel for you to borrow." She holds it out for me. I take it and slip off my shirt, placing the flannel over my shoulders. It was big on me and it felt like a dress. I button it up to cover up the fact I was just in my bra. "If he hurts you, I murder him. There as simple as that." Lydia says making me look at her. "Who the hell are we murdering?" Sasha asks, Lydia and I both laughing at her.

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