Chapter 8

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Hey guys! Before this story starts, I just wanted to say that because of college starting back and I work I've put these stories on a 'schedule'. It sounds crazy but Rockstar's chapters will be posted on Monday's and Tuesday's. Thanks for the amazing feedback! 


"Three times? You guys have kissed three times but aren't dating?" Sasha asks, crossing her arms. We sat towards the back of the gym while Luke and Reggie set up their amps. Alex moves across the stage to fix a few wires and check on his drums. Bobby laid in front of them, glancing over at us a few times. The girls told me multiple times he had the biggest crush on me. "We aren't." I say and lean my head back, running my hand through my hair. 

"Oh come on. You two obviously want to." Lydia chimes in making me shrug. "Could be just one of those girls who lets him get in my pants for one night and then it's over." I reply as if I didn't even care. They scoff at the same exact time. This time I look immediately at them. "You're not one of those girls." Sasha says laughing softly. I cross my arms and raise my eyebrow. "I can't be?" I ask defensively. 

"Y/n. You get attached too easily." They knew me too well. I hated to admit it but they were right. Relationships hurt in the past. That caused me to become too protective and try to grow an attachment to them. It hurt more when they didn't feel anything back. I knew in my brain sooner or later, it would start to happen with Luke. He didn't typically settle down either. The sound of a guitar beginning to play caused us all to turn our heads towards the stage. They were finally ready to start practicing. 

(They're going to play a 5sos song but we gonna pretend Luke wrote it since the band wasn't around at the time).

Luke walks over to the microphone, his pick moving against the strings of his guitar. "Simmer down, simmer down. They say we're too young now to amount to anything else. But look around, we worked too damn hard for this to give it up now. If you don't swim, you'll drown. But don't move honey." Luke looks over at Reggie giving him a nod to come over and sing with him. Reggie chuckles and moves over, continuing to strum his bass. Alex smiles over at us. His drum skills really on point right now. I smile and walk closer to the stage. 

"You look so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear. And I know now that I'm so down. Your lipstick stain is a work of art. I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart and I know now, that I'm so down." Luke and Reggie sing together in the same microphone while the others join in on their own. Bobby nods his head over at me. I wave up at him. Sasha smiles over at Reggie when he winks at her. Lydia nudges her as I shake my head at them. I stand in front of the stage and cross my arms a little, pretending to be unamused to mess with Luke. He walks closer to the edge with the microphone in his hand as he leans down towards me. The others stop singing so it's just him. 

"You look so perfect standing there.. in my American Apparel underwear." He maintains eye contact as he reaches a hand out for me. I look at him confused before taking his hand. He smirks lightly and pulls me up onto the stage with him. "And I know now that I'm so down. Your lipstick stain is a work of art. I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart, and I know now I'm so down." He sings while keeping the eye contact sending butterflies through my stomach. It was like no one else in the room with us while he sang to only me. That's what it felt like at least. Lydia and Sasha share a glance and smiles at each other. Bobby watches us, giving Luke a weird look. He let's go of my hand. I quickly go over and jam out with Reggie. He smiles at me, dancing with me while continuing to play. 

They finish practicing covered in sweat and adrenaline pumping. "So what's up with you and Y/n?" Bobby asks Luke while they were sitting alone on the stage. Luke swings his legs slightly before shrugging. "Not sure yet." He leans back onto his hands. He glances over at her. She was trying to hold Reggie's heavy bass. Once she had it situated on her shoulder, he taught her a few chords to strum. Luke smiles a little to himself and looks away. "I know how you are, Luke. You can't do that to her." Bobby says making Luke's smile fade slightly. He looks at him. "What? You think I'm just going to fuck her and leave? What's it to you anyways? Got a little crush?" Luke asks, not meaning to sound as rude as he did but he couldn't help it. He was tired of being portrayed as some dick who slept with girls and left, they usually left him first. He was tired of being the last one to lose feelings in the relationship. Y/n felt different with him. Like something strong was there but they were both hesitant about it. Bobby didn't have the best reputation with girls either. Luke knew that. "No need to be a dick about it. Seriously though? Any girl in this school and you choose her. Why?" He asks, looking at him. Luke didn't want to answer that because honestly he wasn't sure. Bobby stands up which makes Luke's attention towards him. He watches as he walks away, an arm sliding around you waist which makes Luke's blood boil. Bobby was doing it on purpose.

"That chord sounds good, huh Y/n?" Bobby asks once the girl rolls her eyes and carefully turns out of his grasp. "Hands to yourself, sir." She snaps and smirks to herself. Luke casually walks over and moves an arm around her waist this time. She turns her head towards him, the boys noticing a blush spreading across her cheeks. "Patterson. Can I help you?" She asks and leans on him briefly. "There's quite a few things.. but you can help me later in private." Luke says with a wink, making her face heat up more. She pulls the strap of the bass off her shoulder and hands it back to Reggie. "I have no idea what's going on with you two, but I'm not in the middle of it." She says laughing. Y/n gathers her stuff and heads to the door with her friends. Bobby and Luke look at each other. "Hands to yourself." Luke says half joking, half not before grabbing his stuff and walking off after them. 

"Are you okay?" Alex asks Bobby, picking his book bag up. "Luke is sleeping with your sister." Bobby simply says before jumping off the stage and walking away. Bobby didn't know if it was true or not but he didn't care. He was pissed at Luke. Reggie's jaw drops and he quickly looks over at Alex. He stays frozen for a second. Trying to process what Bobby just said. "Alex.." Reggie slowly moves closer to him. "I'm going to kill him!" He quickly jumps off the stage and runs out of the gym. Reggie realizes what's going on. "Oh no!" He grabs his things before running after him, almost tripping over some wires but regains his balance. 

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