Chapter 9

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I look back just in time to see Alex snatch Luke back by the collar of his shirt. "Alex!" I quickly go over to him. "You think you can mess around with my little sister and I not be bothered by that?" Alex asks, getting up in his face. Luke doesn't even react. In fact he acts more amused than scared.

"You can't be serious right now." I cross my arms and try to move to stand in between Alex and Luke. "I am serious. Bobby told me." He glares at Luke. I scoff a bit and shake my head. "He lied to you Alex. Nothing is happening between Luke and I." I say kind of honestly because we didn't know what we were doing. Alex slowly takes his hands off Luke's shirt but not before straightening it out. "Sorry.." He steps back from him. "It's okay. You know I'd tell you if something was going on with me and your sister." Luke says making Alex nod. "Which I don't want anything happening between you two." Alex looks between the both of us. I roll my eyes at him which makes Luke chuckle softly. My thoughts wandered over to why Bobby would lie to Alex in the first place. These guys were a band, a family they'd created on all on their own. I wasn't sure why he'd want to mess it up. I give Luke one last look before walking away with Alex.

We make it back home kind of late which really didn't matter as long as we told our parents where we were going. "Emily Patterson says her sons been having some trouble with grades. I told her you'd be open for tutoring." My mom says to me. I look up from my dinner and raise my eyebrow. "I'm a tutor now?" I lean back and cross my arms. She nods. I sigh softly as there was no point in arguing with her. I guess tutoring Luke couldn't be the worse thing to ever happen. I just couldn't let them know we'd kissed and gotten closer. Luke and I would never be allowed alone in the same room anymore. My parents were weird about that kind of stuff. They always said how they were proud they never had to worry about Alex as he never had a girlfriend before. For obvious reasons they didn't know. That's why he had his guy friends, ya know, stay over. Which was kind of lucky if you ask me. Getting to stay the night with your significant other. Alex didn't really have his eye on any guy at the moment. He'd of course have Reggie and Luke over if they needed to stay but they weren't his type he said. Luke used to be but then he changed and made it really clear he was into girls.

After dinner I walk outside to sit and talk to Alex on the porch. "When are you going to tell them..?" I ask, turning my head to look at him. He shrugs and hugs his knees softly. "I'm scared. I've never had to do anything like this before. I already know they're going to hate me for it." He says sighing softly. I frown a little at him. Our parents didn't accept that kind of thing. They'd made Alex stop being friends with multiple people just because of rumors being spread about said people's sexuality. Alex knew I accepted him. His friends did too. They were extremely supportive of him and it was a nice thought to have. Knowing people other than me have his back.

"If I tell them, they'll disown me. If I don't tell them, I'll live with a regret that's hard to live with." He says looking at me. I nod and lean back onto the white pillar. "I think.. telling them wouldn't be such a bad thing. You're their only son. They're always going to love you Alex." I say, smiling reassuringly at him. He smiles back and nods. "Thanks, Y/n. I'll sleep on it and we can talk about it tomorrow." Alex says, standing up. He offers his hand to me to stand up if I wanted to but I shake my head. He smiles and walks inside. I sigh softly and lean my head back. The fresh air filling my lungs with each breath. It felt nice. It was refreshing. I glance over to Luke's house. His bedroom light was still on. He usually stayed up all hours of the night. He didn't have a set schedule he went to sleep. Sometimes you'd hear the soft strum of an acoustic guitar if you listened hard enough. He slides his curtains open slightly, giving me a view of him shirtless standing beside the window. I wasn't exactly complaining. Luke had a very good body and it wasn't my fault his curtain was open for me to admire it. Okay never mind. I felt kind of weird now. That's when his gaze turns just enough to catch mine.

"Shit!" I quickly look away staring at the mail box at the front of our lawn. Luke Patterson just saw me staring at him shirtless. Great. I was never going to hear the end of this. The sound of a window opening causes me to turn my head towards it. "Take a picture. It'll last longer." I hear Luke's smug words and shake my head. "No thanks. Rather gauge my eyes out." I lie, hugging my knees a little.

"Oh sweetheart, don't lie to me. I know you were enjoying whatever show you were getting." He says as my face heats up more. I mean I wasn't going to disagree with him. He was right. I was enjoying the show but I couldn't let that cocky little shit know that. "Goodnight, Patterson." I say standing up. "Goodnight princess." He says making me look up at him again. His hazel eyes shine bright under the starlight and he smirks at me before stepping back into his room, giving me the view of his torso again. He shuts his window and closes the curtains. I bite my lip softly before walking inside. I lean back against the door and smile lightly. "Princess.." I say to myself.

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