Chapter 12

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"Have I done something to offend you?" Luke asks, making me turn my head to look at him. We'd just finished dinner and I offered to do the dishes. Alex didn't try to stop me, running upstairs to his room. My parents go to the living room to relax after a long day of work.

"No." I say, looking back down at the plate I was scrubbing. "Y/n, you barely spoke to me during dinner and won't even make eye contact with me." He crosses his arms and leans on the counter next to me. I keep my gaze low. "I don't know, okay?" I say quietly and grab a towel to dry off my hands. I look at Luke. He looks back at me and tilts his head a little. My face begins to turn red.

"I kind of.. had a dream about you.." I mumble and look down at my hands. "Huh? What was that?" He asks, leaning closer to try and hear me. "I had a dream about you, Luke." I say a little louder this time. Luke looks at me and chuckles softly.

"A dream about me? What? Was it like a sex dream or something?" He says in a joking manner but stops laughing once he realizes I didn't correct him. I slowly nod and look up at him. "Wait, really?" He keeps his arms crossed but his gaze stays locked on me. My heart was beating faster and faster. "Doesn't sound like a terrible dream.." Luke says quietly, a slight smirk on his lips. My face heats up more.

"Goodnight." I say, placing the last plate in the cabinet before going over to the stairs. My dad had fallen asleep in his chair while my mom read a book on the couch. "Goodnight, hun." My mom says, smiling at me. Luke walks over to the stairs. "Goodnight Luke. See you both tomorrow." He smiles and nods.

"Yes ma'am, goodnight." He says as we begin to walk up the stairs. His hand briefly touches my lower back since I'm in front of him. I turn towards him once I reach my door. He looks at me, he either sleeps in Alex's room on the floor or downstairs on the couch. "How'd you dream go..?" Luke asks quietly, stepping slightly closer to me. I grab his face and pull him closer to press my lips to his. He immediately kisses me back, placing his hand on the door behind me. My back leans into it when he kisses me back. I hear Alex's door open slightly and I open mine, pulling Luke into my room. I close the door and lean back against it again.

My hands move into his hair, using it as a way to hold him as close to me as possible. His hands slide up my sides and pull my shirt with it. I pull away from him to finish the job and take off my shirt. His gaze moves slightly and I see his eyes are a bit darker. He moves his shirt off and my eyes can't help but move down to his stomach. Luke didn't workout much, he was just automatically fit. He was blessed with such a good body and a face to match. "Did you run away..?" I ask quietly, keeping him close to me. He looks over my face a little before nodding.

"I'm going to stay at the studio.. just until I figure things out. I can't stay on your couch forever." He says making me frown slightly. "You know you're always welcome." I say, my hands resting on the back of his neck. "Jump." He easily catches me when he says that, letting my legs move around his waist. "Thank you." He says making me look at him. I smile softly and rub my thumb across his cheek. I lean back in to be able to kiss him again.

Last night was insane. I couldn't believe it actually happened. I woke up the next morning by myself though. Luke must've snuck out in the middle of the night to go to Alex's room. He definitely didn't want to be caught in here in the morning. By Alex or my parents. I roll over and wince softly. There was a tingling pain in my thighs whenever I'd move them. I definitely had to try and act like it wasn't even there especially in front of my parents. Alex walks by my room and knocks on the door like he usually did to wake me up for school. I smile a little to myself and sit up. I felt happy. But at the same time confused. What did Luke and I consider ourselves? We didn't say we were dating but we just did that. I was definitely confused. I stand up as slowly as I could to not hurt myself and get dressed. I hear the boys talking while they walk downstairs together. Luke acting so normal with my brother was amazing considering what just happened last night. I walk out of my room and go downstairs.

"Good morning, Y/n." My dad says, looking through his newspaper. I smile and walk to sit at the table. "Good morning." I take a sip of my orange juice. Luke sits across from me. He smiles a little which makes me smile as well. Alex glances at us.

"Here you go." My mom places a plate down in front of me. "Thank you." I smile at her and she kisses my forehead. She walks over and does the same thing to Alex when she places his plate down. "Would you like one too, Luke?" Alex jokes making Luke chuckle softly and shake his head. "Of course he's getting one." Our mom says, kissing Luke on his forehead. Luke was basically apart of the family with how much he stayed over here. Which I didn't find myself complaining about him staying over here so much anymore..

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