Chapter XIII

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𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆, [y/n] heard crying

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𝐂𝐑𝐘𝐈𝐍𝐆, [y/n] heard crying.

She didn't know if it was purely intuition or if she felt pity towards the person crying, but she ran. As fast as she can, with the only thing helping her find this person was the sound of their crying.

She stopped when her eyes saw the house, it was the house that belonged to one of the wealthiest people in the Sohma family. He was the father to the new rabbit zodiac, Momiji Sohma.

The man wasn't in the house very much since he had to take care of his big company and from what [y/n] heard his wife was unstable with the fact she have birth to a monster.

She saw him sometimes when taking walks around the estate, Akito mentioned once while they were eating dinner that he lived alone at the house. She couldn't believe it since he was smiling all the time, "I guess you couldn't take it anymore Momiji..." she smiled sadly.

She approached the huge doors and opened them with a little struggle.

She heard the sobbing and climbed up the stairs, the crying got louder meaning she was getting close.

She met eyes with the door, the one block her and the boy behind it. She tried opening it by its door knob but it was locked. She clicked her tongue.

She took a few steps back from the door. " can do this."

Next thing you knew she was running full speed towards the door, kicking it down in the process.

A loud BAM was heard when the door landed on the ground.

She let out a breath of thankfulness that he wasn't near the door, or else he might've been injured severely. Speaking of injures, [y/n] now had some on her legs. She couldn't see it since her kimono was covering it but she felt it.

She came to the conclusion that she might've sprained it a tad bit and probably turning into a purple bruise. She mentally scolded herself, 'Idiot! You don't have your powers anymore! You can't just heal yourself in seconds unlike before!'

She then remembered why she did it in the first place, her eyes met his light-brown goldenish eyes. She could practically feel what he was going through right now, sadness, guilt, fear, and confusion.

Mostly he was baffled to see the girl with [h/c] hair standing up above him while he was hugging his legs together tightly, his back against the wall. The girl already was familiar to him, he always saw her whenever he walked around the estate.

She was the phoenix, protector of both him and the zodiacs including the head of the family.

"I'm sorry you had to see me this way." He said while slowly getting up, dusting off his clothes.

He smiled, but she knew it was forced. "Let's go to Hatori shall we? Your injuries need to be looked at." He was about to leave the room, expecting the girl to follow him, she however didn't.

"Momiji." She called out, her tone serious.

She walked up to him enduring the undeniable pain she felt with every step she took.

"[l/n]-san—" He stopped when his shoulder were suddenly grabbed onto. The girl was now facing him, both her hands gripping on his shoulders. Her [e/c] eyes staring straight into his.

She observed the state he was in now, his wavy blonde hair with unkept messy bangs were even more unruly. His once beautiful eyes he inherited from his mother now looked red because of how much he was crying. His white blouse had some buttons undone and a few placed in the wrong holes.

"Momiji...please." Her grip became even more tighter than before.

She lifted her head, displaying the tears that were in her eyes. He didn't answer since he was shocked by immense pain her face held. Almost as if she could feel his sorrow and somehow transfer it to hers, lessening his despair.

She pulled him into a hug and that seemed to trigger the feelings he was bottling up inside him since he bursted into cries and sobs. The girl could practically feel her kimono getting wet.

"It'll probably be extremely painful for you." flashbacks to what happened earlier flooded his mind.

"Are you sure? Are you positive you want to forget?" Hatori asked his mother.

"My biggest regret in life...was giving birth to that creature." His mother answered without any hesitation.

"D-did I really save m-mama?" he asked in between sobs.

"You saved her from herself. She was unwilling to accept you for who you truly are, that you couldn't save." She pulled herself away from the blonde boy.

"You couldn't save her from changing what she saw you as. You aren't a monstrous creature, Momiji. You are beautiful inside and out, that is something I learned once I got to know you. Something she didn't take the time of doing."

"Still, even with these memories. We shouldn't try forgetting them. We should still live our lives bearing them, even if they're sad memories. Even if all that they do is hurt you." She spoke softly to him.

He cried even more, "T-the truth is... I didn't want mama to forget about me. I wanted her to try her best for me."

She pulled him into another hug, "And I wish things were that way... but let's continue living even with these memories okay?"

"Even if they're sad? even if those memories bring us pain?"

"Even if they're sad and bring us pain."

"See? Now we can grow old together! Your powers are gone and you are nothing more than a useless mortal! You will die before even meeting a new God, because you belong to me!"

"They help us become stronger."

She then felt his arms wrap around her. "Thank you... [l/n]-san."

She smiled, "I'd really prefer you to call me [y/n]. [l/n] was the name Akito gave me, and I don't want to be reminded of that scumbag." This made Momiji laugh a little.

'Good... he's smiling.'

"Okay [y/n]-chan!"

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