Chapter VI

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"𝐒𝐄𝐄~" The small girl looked smugly at Hatsuharu

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"𝐒𝐄𝐄~" The small girl looked smugly at Hatsuharu. "Alright! I get it!" he said frustrated. [Y/N] kept her promise, so she went to Hatsuharu's martial art classes to meet him.

She was also excited to meet the Cat, but she couldn't because Hatsuharu ran off somewhere making her chase after him.

Turns out, he confronted Yuki. She felt as if this was a personal moment for the both of them, so she decided to hide behind one of the pillars.

"It's your fault I'm stupid and an idiot!" the boy yelled. Meanwhile the little Phoenix started gripping the pillar a little too hard.

'That brat! Did he forget all the things I told him last night?!'

"Are you?" Yuki asked. It caught the Ox off guard.

"Well are you?"

"Are you stupid?"


"N-no...I'm not stupid! I'm not an idiot! I'm me..." a flashback of the girl he met last night appeared in his memory.

"Remember! There's a fine line between being nice, and being stupid!"

"You're you Hatsuharu!"

"I don't think you're stupid."

"Yuki probably feels the same way!"

"Okay." he snapped his head back up at the sudden voice.

"I believe you." Yuki smiled.

"Hehe, so-" the girl was cut off when the boy hugged her.

"Ah? What's this?" she asked completely oblivious to how the boy felt, for both her and Yuki.

"Thank you..." he murmured.

"Anytime." she smiled at him, making him blush.

"A-anyways I have to go...I still have martial arts classes." he pulled away still blushing, his hand trying to cover half of his face.

"Bye!" and with that, he was out of sight.

She smiled, but soon that light was turned dark when she heard a familiar voice.

"Why were you speaking with him?" Akito asked. She turned around to meet the face of the person she hated most.

"What? I can't talk anymore with my friends?" she snapped.

he scoffed. "He clearly doesn't see you as a friend."

"What are you implying Akito?"

"He's trying to take what's mine..." he said in a deep voice with his head facing the ground.

"Huh? For your information I don't belong to anybody, and if I wouldn't be to you." her last statement made him snap.

He started walking towards her, "What are you-" was the last thing she said before vision became black.

The little Phoenix's eyes started slowly opening. She tried looking around but it was no use, everything was dark.

She soon came into a realization.

'I'm inside Yuki's punishment room aren't I?'


"H-hello?" a voice called out.

'Yep definitely.'

"Yes Yuki?" she asked in a gentle tone.

"H-how did you know my n-name?" he asked again.

"Well...I am the Phoenix. Also because it's my job to protect all the zodiacs so I should at least know all their names." she explained.

Even if he couldn't see it, he could picture the little girl smiling. "P-protect?"

"Yes! I'm sorry I couldn't protect you from Akito these past few days..." her tone soon became sad.

"N-no! It's fine...I'm fine." he reassured her. That was a lie.

"Tell you what? Let's make a promise! I the Phoenix, guardian of all, will protect you Yuki Sohma. Hehe, I don't technically have to promise that since it's already determined by the legend that I'll protect all of you, but I want you to fully trust me!" the little girl said.

"O-okay...but what will I promise?" he asked.

"Hmm...that you'll be my friend!"

and just like that, time seemed to stop around Yuki.

'F-friend? she wants to be friends? W-why? I-I'll just be a burden to her...another zodiac to take care of...'

"And don't think you'll be a burden." she said suddenly.

"H-huh? h-how did you-"

"I can tell by the look on your face." she giggled.

"Trust me, I like, no! I love being able to have all of you even be in my presence and to call you friends. So don't think of yourself as a burden, you're not."

She then grabbed his hand and connected both their pinkies.

"This is called a pinkie promise, now to seal the deal, we must both say 'I promise' to each other."

"Yuki Sohma, will you allow me to protect you?"

"...I promise."

"W-what's your name?"

"[Y/N], [L/N]." she smiled.

"[Y-Y/N]...will you be my f-friend?"

"Hehe, I promise!"

"A-and!" he said, making the girl tilt her head in confusion.

"I Yuki Sohma will protect [Y/N L/N]!" he said with a smile.

and for a spit second Yuki saw a spark, it shinned so bright, as if his dark world found its light.

And then, he saw her.

Her beautiful face, the way she smiled at him, how pretty her [h/l] [h/c] hair looked.

She giggled at his last moment promise making him blush, "Okay Yuki."

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