Just shoot me now

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We spent the afternoon unpacking, orienting ourselves and preparing for dinner. It was only at mealtime that the six of us were all together again. Well, the six of us old friends - and Adam, but Adam had opted to cook the barbecue while we all sat chatting.  

It was a perfect summer evening; the sky darkening to a velvet blue and tiny lights winking across the bay at EastPort. We sat around a large table set in the covered outdoor dining area, lanterns positioned here and there for ambience and the soundtrack of waves on sand.

Ronnie had mixed a large jug of pink margaritas at some point, and the mums were in a jolly mood. Theirs was the far more festive side of the table, while down our end, Sam and Jamie and I sat somewhat awkwardly.  

"So how did you meet Adam, Jamie?" Giselle asked, pulling herself away from the mom-chat for a moment.   

Jamie had changed for the evening and was wearing a long blue body-con t-shirt dress that flattered her curves and complemented her eyes. She looked stunning as usual.    

"At school," she replied. "We serve on a student leadership forum together. We are both representatives, but he is the year above me. He is really great at it, so level-headed, and people just love to talk to him.''   

Ronnie chipped in, "Jamie's had such a busy year. There's been the forum, and athletics, and cheerleading and horse-riding. It's amazing she has had time for a relationship at all.''

Was that a slight slur I could hear in Ronnie's speech?  

It was typical Jamie though: always in demand, always successful at anything she tried. I was strong academically, liked to keep my head down and work, but I never racked up many accolades. My mum, bless, was still proud enough to throw in her two cents. 

"Nadine's also been busy this year, haven't you Nades? There has been a school play on that she's been very involved with.''

"Oh really?" Jamie looked interested, like she might finally have something to talk to me about. "You act? Me too. I was Titania in A Midsummer Night's Dream at the beginning of the year. It was such fun, and I got to wear this stunning costume with like, butterflies and ivy wound all up into it.''  

Oh crap, this conversation had taken a turn for the worse.

"Uh, no... acting isn't really my thing,'' I replied. "I've been involved on the uh, production side of things. Backstage and stuff really. Scenery. Props...,'' I trailed off to a moment of awkward silence. 

"It's a valuable contribution,'' Giselle ventured, "and props and scenery can be a great creative outlet.''    

I nodded.  

"That's just fine sweetheart,'' said Ronnie patronizingly. "Not everyone can be the star, we all have our own talents.''  

Just shoot me now.

Adam was standing a few meters away at the grill, turning racks of ribs. Was I imagining it, or was that a slight grin on his face?

Enough about me, the dire circumstances dictated that I steer the conversation elsewhere. 

"What about you, Sam?", I asked, twirling my hair in a way that I imagined was terribly seductive. "What's your thing?'' The words escaped my lips before I realised the horrible innuendo. As it dawned on me, the skin on my face and chest burst out instantly in an infestation of red bumps. It's a hilarious joke my body likes to play on me when I am embarrassed. Just in case the humiliation is not sufficient, how about we notch it up a level Nadine?   

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