Chapter 5. Love-Sick

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Tam trudged gloomily off to school the next day. He was nervous. How would Biana react? He fiddled with his bangs and walked in Alchemy, before tripping up with Keefe's cloak. That ridiculous idiot had to make his day worse by dressing up in this old guy with starry robes. Probably from Sophie's film.

"Oh. Sorry, Snape, didn't see you there, Keefe exclaimed sarcastically."

"What? Just go away Sencen, Tam sneered."

"I am the most powerful wizard of all, miserable elf."


Tam grumbled and walked off quickly, nearly bumping into Sophie.

"Hi Tam, she said out of breath."

"Hi, Sophie, Tam muttered."

"So... Any news about Biana? She's been quite distant lately."

"Oh. Well, I was hoping you'd tell me."

"Huh. That's weird." Sophie cocked her head slightly and a crease appeared on her nose and forehead. Keefe would be gawking, saying :"You're so cute when you're worried, Foster!"

It was time they got together, thought Tam. It was sooo obvious they liked each other!

"Hiiii!, Marella screeched", while skidding down to Tam and Sophie.

"Hi. Did you hear anything about Bi?, Sophie was worried now."

"No, I can't find her either. Is she even at Foxfire?."

"Oh. No, where is she?"

All three of them ran to the Headmaster's office and asked about Biana, who was sick apparently, from eating to many mallomelts to "drown her sorrow". That was according to Della who had told the Headmaster.

"What?" Tam didn't understand. But, sadly class was resuming and he needed to survive three more hours of school. 


He  sprinted down the hallways, grabbed his stuff and set off with Sophie and Marella to Everglen immediately. School had been soooo long.

"Della, it's us!" "Where's Biana? " "What happened?". They were all talking at once.

"Calm down, she's in her room but come in one at a time, you might overwhelm her, Della responded calmly."

"Yes, yes!, The blonde heads and the black-silver head all responded."

Sophie went first and closed the door in Tam and Marella's faces behind her, protecting her best friend. The two outside could just make out a few words.

"Oh. you're here." -That was Biana's voice with a crisp accent similar to Fitz's-

"I'm your best friend. .......wrong?"

"...know very well...."


"Snif.... Are you and Tam together yet?....."

-"What the heck, Tam whispered to Marella?"-

" Bi, I don't like Tam, what is wrong with you?"

" You're sure?"

"Well, yeah, I like..."

-"Cinnacreme for everyone!"-, Della came up the stairs and looked at Marella and Tam in the doorway, puzzled.

"Biana? Honey, why are the others still outside?, she asked."

"Mooommm! I'm having a private conversation with Sophie!, Biana groaned."

"Um, it's fine Della, Tam can go in now, Sophie was glad to respond as she was being saved from telling her crush to Biana."

"TAM?, Biana squealed angrily."

"Hi. If you don't want to see me, I'll just go, sorry."


Tam ran down the stairs and outside quickly, and he left, upset, before Biana could utter another word.

"No... Don't leave me again.", Biana faintly whispered.

She shed two tears and dismissed everyone in her room, hurt and upset. She'd messed up. again.

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