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Bean grinned at the sight before him. Kill Will and Dipper P were slouched having avoided the projectiles he had thrown. From fire balls to blades they managed to dodge block and deflect them all. Though throwing a million spells and curses every hour had them exhausted. Will and Kill could go in for about a few more hours and maybe more since they were immortal and practically immune to over working but Dipper P something else. He was a human, a starter to add to the list, his body wasn't used to magic fueling in his veins for this long. He could only throw two more before his heart would go into cardiac arrest. Heart healing spells were too complex for Kill and Will was in his demoniac state, which meant throwing any type of healing spell would do more damage than the original issue. They needed Bill, he's the only one who could do it. What's more. He's the only one strong enough to break the reinforced tank Tad was in.
"We need a plan, at least until Bill gets back!" Kill stated. Will thought quickly trying to get something that would help.
"Kill throw a blocker spell! I'll go for a downgrader spell," he then looked at Dipper P.
"Stay back! You can't throw anymore spells or you'll die!" Dipper P looked from Will to Kill.
"He's right! Don't move stay behind us!" The two held there hands up turning back into there forms. Kill flew forward throwing the blocking spell which slowed down Bean from using his powers, Will flew behind them. He wasn't going to throw a blocker spell, he was gonna shatter the glass keeping Tad inside. If the serum inside was drained now Tad would vanish since they still needed one pine tree for him to be able to survive outside of it. And if he vanished the souls taken would go back to their people.
"Breakage!" The glass started to shatter beneath them. Bean and Kill turned around upon hearing the noise. Bean's eyes widened.
"No!" He yelled. He tried throwing a spell but it still didn't work. He growled under his breath. He turned to Kill an idea sparking. Kill's eyes widened as Bean tore off his cloak.
"Tyrone," before him stood what he thought was just a regular human. Tyrone was the same save for the curses on his face and the purple pine trees on his arms. He pulled out a spear aiming for Kill's eye, where the heart was. Its as though time had stopped. Kill didn't have time to react. But Dipper P did. In a split second he used a spell to exchange places with Kill. Kill found himself on the ground while Dipper P was where he used to be. The spear went right through his heart.
"RED PINE!" Dipper P's eyes looked to his lover.
"I love you," he only had a few seconds deciding to turn his own body into a grenade. The explosion threw Bean back right as the glass shattered.
Kill coughed looking up. His eyes widened when he didn't see Dipper P's body. He looked around for Will.
"Kill!" He turned to his brother who's hair and eyed were blue again. Will ran to his brother giving him a sorry look. Kill shook his head.
"We need to finish this before-" Will stopped mid sentence. His eye widened pointing behind Kill. Kill turned around just to see Tad standing in his human for not a scratch on him in his purple and black suit. He was holding onto an all as surprised Bean. Tad turned to his husband with a smile.
"Thank you for bringing me back, love" He turned back to Kill and Will. He held his hand up blasting off a powerful wave of magic. The two braced themselves for the end when a blast of yellow magic deflected it. The two stared as both Bill and Dipper stood in front of them. Dipper was back to his training uniform a black and blue long sleeve and jogging pants. Bill was in his demon form floating above his head.
"Seems we're kind of late," Bill said looking at the destroyed platform. Dipper turned to Will and Kill.
"Sorry we took so long guys,"
"Nah let's just get this done with," they turned back to Tad and Bean. Tad looked down at Bean.
"I'll take over now, you've done a lot" Bean shook his head.
"No I want to help," Tad looked at him then back with a nod.
"Guess this is the final battle,"
Both sides fought for what felt like over 72 hours, Bill and Dipper took on Tad while Kill and Will took Bean. Both sides were starting to tire. Bill noticed deciding to form a wall between them to give them time.
"We won't make it! We need to use plan B" Kill and Will looked at each other. They looked at Dipper expectingly.
"What?" Bill walked to him.
"There's still a way to stop them both, we need to unify all of our powers" Dipper nodded understanding.
"There's a spell to use, it's the same Bean used to drain the other's powers and souls," the brunette looked between them.
"What do you mean?" Will gave him a sad smile while Kill looked away. Bill looked right into his eyes.
"You need to consume our souls-"
"No!" He yelled swatting his hands away. Dipper shook his head walking to the side.
"There has to be another way!" He said.
"Don't worry its just to stop them, when they're defeated we'll be back," Kill said.
"That doesn't excuse the fact that its horrible! No, I really can't" Bill sighed turning to his brothers who gave him a nod.
"You don't have a choice," Dipper turned around right as a surge of energy rushed through his veins. His eyes widened as Kill and Will began to dissolve.
"No!" He couldn't move until the two were completely gone. He looked at Bill in horror.
"Bill, why I we could've-" the two didn't have time as the wall shattered. Tad flew at them. Dipper turned in a flash creating a blast of energy. Beans eyes widened. In a split second Tad was shoved aside. Bean took the hit. The beam went through his chest piercing it. His body fell onto his lover's.
"No no no no no, Bean baby please," Tad fell to his knees cradling the dying boy. Bean coughed smiling weakly.
"I wish I could've seen you achieve your dream, I really did," he whispered. Tears started to prickle on the edges of Tad's eyes.
"Please stay with me, I'll make it, I can, if you just stay by my side" he pleaded. Bean's eyes closed. He straightened up pecking his husband's lips.
"Finish them dear, make your dream come true" his hand fell to his side limply. Tad's eyes widened, turning a pitch black color. He held the cold lifeless boy against his body. A single scream left his lips. Magic surrounded them blasting off whatever was on the platform. Thankfully Bill and Dipper still stood. Bill looked from Tad to Dipper. He cupped his face.
"Bill what are y-mmphf!?" He smashed there lips together. When he pulled away he had a smile on his face.
"Do you love me?" Dipper frowned.
"Bill what the heck are you even-?"
"Dipper," the demon said.
"Do you love me?" Dipper looked into his eyes. They started to well up.
"Yes Bill I love you," he said tears falling.
"Good," he whispered hugging him. Dipper hugged back. He knew Bill was stubborn. Therefore he also knew what would come next. Bill sighed.
"You can do it, I believe in you, save everyone" his body started to dissolve against his. Bill held tighter. He was scared too, but they needed to do this. Dipper cried as he vanished in a second. The gust of magic cleared. Two people stood before each other. Tad and Dipper. Tad's hair was black and purple horns having grown out of his head as a third eye rested on his forehead. His other two were a lavender shade. He was covered in a black like shadow from foot up to his waist. A purple cube floated an inch from his chest while around his neck he wore a purple choker. Dipper faced him hair a sparkling white with a few gold hairs a golden suit like Bill's but a bit different. On both hands were one white pine tree. His birthmark glowed on his forehead. His eyes were white too. He held his hand out creating a blast.
"You! I'll kill you!" Tad roared. Dipper ignored him blasting spells and curses at him only getting them all deflected. Tad hit him with equally as powerful ones only being deflected too. The ones that weren't either didn't affect them or ruined the platform forcing both to levitate. After a while Dipper had enough.
"Do you really want this!?" He asked.
Tad looked at him thoughtfully.
"You don't know what I want" he growled.
"Maybe but I know, a world without the person you love, isn't worth living in" he stated. Tad looked down to Bean's lifeless body. He looked so peaceful. As though he were just sleeping.
"You don't understand," he said in a low tone.
"Then explain! I know you aren't complete evil! If you were you wouldn't have cried when he died!" Dipper said. Tad clicked his tongue in annoyance.
"Damn human," he growled. Suddenly he launched at Dipper top speed. The boy's eyes widened. Everything then went blank.

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