𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 ℴ𝓃ℯ

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"You're useless"

"A fucking disgrace"

"Oh, i don't know who she is. She's not our daughter. Let's go"

"You? Our friend? Please keep on dreaming. We dont have a dumb bitch like you in our group"


"AGHH!" I sat up on my bed, screaming while my eyes were streaming with tears

"Damn it! Why does that dream always appear? I mean, dude cant you find another head?" I complained to nothing and groaned realizing i cant do anything about it

I open my curtain and stretched my limbs

"Another day, another trauma." I said and yawned while turning on the tv. I went to the kitchen to get some bread and sat on the sofa

"70% of the moon mysteriously exploded and turned it into crescent moon, they are currently in--" I agressively chomp down the bread that im eating

"That crazy bitch. If someone did that, why the fuck did he do it to the moon and not on earth? Aishh" I said and forcefully shut down the tv and went in the bathroom to get ready for my first day of school.

I went inside and turn on the shower.

"I'll drown you until you loose your breath"

"Fck!" I suddenly closed the shower and look at it intently before sighing.

Can't this day get any worse?


You know what? I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have jinxed it, ya know? Now im stuck at Class E because i 'pushed' a Class A girl in the hallway


I am currently running for my life towards the principal office because i was a bitch who fell asleep inside the bathroom.

"Excuse me!!" I shouted at them which was againts the rule. I'm gonna be dead for this

"Watc--" before i even shouted at her, we already 'collided' and she fell on her butt which was odd because i was sure that i used my feet to stop before i touched her, and as you can see I'm standing perfectly.

"Ouch!! Watch where your going! Im gonna get you for this!" She shouted at me

Okay, what just happened?

"What's going on here?" I turned around and saw a guy who look similar to the principal, he has a peach hair? Oh now im hungry. Sht, i should have gotten omurice instead of bread.

Since i have a sharp eyesight, i saw his name plate. Ah, that's why they look familiar. Asano Gakushu huh? I don't care bitch im late

"Asano san! This girl suddenly push me! They all saw it" She shouted and clung on his arms like a koala

Wait... What?

"Hey girl, your explanation was kinda wrong. I didn't push you and you just fell as if a ghost sudd--" I wasn't able to finish when she started crying

I just let my jaw agape while looking at her and looking at Asano, he probably is her lover. Ah shit, Am i gonna say goodbye and be expelled in an instant? Oh come on! I just got in!!

"Y/N L/N, you will be placed in Class E no more objections." I turned around and saw principal asano standing with hid glaring which i find funny.

Save Me // K. AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now