𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓼𝓲𝔁

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Time Skip


It's been a week since i was admitted at the hospital, My condition also improved just a few bandages here and there but i'm glad that I am alive.

"Let's go" I look at karasuma sensei who opened his car door, I toothily grinned at him and went in. It is refreshing, im very relieved that everything is okay for now.  For now.

"Today's the school field trip, if you want, after you take your exam you can follow the rest." Karasuma sensei said and drove towards the school

"Field trip?! I have never been into one!" I said, my eyes twinkling at the scenarios that I'm imagining.

I get to have fun!

"Korosensei will get you there. I have to guide them" karasuma sensei said and stop right in front of the gate of the school where korosensei can be seen. There's also a few people in the school

"Let's go, L/n-san. The principal is waiting for you" korosensei said with his usual grin and yellow head.

I nodded my head and waved goodbye to karasuma sensei which he returned.

I walked towards the office and went inside. A chair, a paper and a pencil can be seen right in front of the the principal.

"Peach-kun's father?" I quietly asked myself while looking at the familliar face right in front of me

"Ah!" I shouted but immediately moved my hand on my mouth

"Sorry" i said bluntly while raising a peace sign with my right hand.

"As you can see here L/n, this is the exam that you have missed, you can wait outside korosensei." The principal said and i just looked at him straight in the eyes

A long silence occured not until korosensei spoke

"Alright. I'll be waiting for you outside, you can do it, L/n-san" korosensei said and went outside.

That's weird, anyways i think I'm gonna flunk this test though. I never really read all the reviewers korosensei gave me.

I look down the floor looking like the worlds problem is right on my shoulder.

"I'm doomed. I should have reviewed" i said to myself and sat down to the chair in front of me

"You may begin" he said and i looked at the test paper

Oh? This is....

Nagisa POV

I look at right beside me to see karma looking outside the window of the train

"It would have been nice if Y/n is here" Sugino said

I sweat dropped at what he said, way to drop the bomb on karma sugino kun.

I look sideways again to see karma looking blankly at sugino then stared outside the windows but not long after a yellow glob suddenly appeared

"GAH!! KOROSENSEI!" All of us shouted as we look at korosensei's stressed face

"Mina-san, would you mind opening door for me up there? Its getting really uncomfortable with my bag here" he said

"Koro sensei!! You can be seen outside!!" Kayano shouted and i nodded agressively

"Don't worry! I camouflage my body to the train. Only a floating bag can be seen" He said and snickered, all i can say is...

Worst. Camouflage. Ever

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