𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝓈ℯ𝓋ℯ𝓃

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"Hmmmm so what are we gonna do?" I asked the girls who are currently looking at the vending machine

"How about we play in the arcade?" kayano said and pointed at the hall

"Ohh great idea. I think the others are there too" Rio said and wiggled her brows at kayano

"What's an arcade?" I asked them clueless about what they are talking about

Is that food? If yes, I'm quite hungry. I want some strawberry cake

While i was lost in my train of thoughts i felt eyes on me. I saw them looking at me in disbelief especially rio and kayano

"Are?" What did i do wrong? I didnt say anything strange right? Ah sh----

"AHHHH! She doesn't know what an arcade is!! Kanzaki-chan, Rio-chan lets go and take her to the arcade!!!" Kayano shouted and dragged me with them

"Huh? What?! Wait!! Are you sure thats not dangerous hey!--" i didnt finish my sentence when we arrive at the front of a room

"This is the arcade!!" Kayano shouted and took everyone's attention.

"Hehehe excuse us" She said and pulled me towards the white contraption

"Ohhhh, what is that?" I asked them and i held the white thing both of my hands

"Its a game called street fighter. You push buttons to fight" She said and let me sat on the chair

"So i just push this buttons then i win?" I asked them and pushed the button twice

"Yes, i guess" kayano said with a thinking pose

"Here. Try it" Rio said and inserted the coin at the white machine. Then it started to emit music

"Eep! Rio what did you do?! Did you break it?" I asked rio and started to shake her

"We don't have money to pay !!" I said and kept looking at the machine

"Noo its working thats how it works!!" She said between her dizziness

"Oh. Okay" i said and stopped shaking her. I didn't want to play so kanzaki took over

"Hey I'm gonna look over there" i said to them

"Okay be careful!" They said and cheered for kanzaki

I looked at the side to see karasuma sensei playing table tennis with yuma

"At least i know a game here.." i said and look at them playing

"What are you looking at, shorty?~" I jumped in surprise to see strawberry kun right beside me

"You surprised me! Ne, what is that?" I asked him and look at what he was holding

"Strawberry ice cream" he said and took a bite

I kept smiling at him and looked at me back

He sighed and took a spoon full of it and put it in front of me. I grin at him and took a bite of it

"Thwank ywo" i said and kept chewing it, he just smiled at me and took another spoo full to feed to me

We started walking around the arcade and saw a cute teddy bear inside the machine. I walked at it and looked at the teddy bears with sparkling eyes

"Strawberry kun!! How can i play this?" I asked him while looking at the teddy bears

"Here let me play" he said and handed me his strawberry ice cream which is empty. I put it in the trash and went back to seeing him play the machine

Save Me // K. AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now