𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉ℯ𝓇 𝓃𝒾𝓃ℯ

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Me and Karma are currently hiding behind the classroom building at 5 in the morning. All for revenge, he practically ate all the strawberry shortcakes in that store!! ಠ_ʖಠ

"Karma, Karma! Do you have a gun?" I asked karma and he just gave me a gun full of Anti-korosensei bb pellet.

"Thanks!" I said and casually walked towards the yellow glob who's cleaning the classroom without making any noise.

I grinned and swiftly swing the knife to him resulting to my undeniable defeat.

I refuse to give up and avenge my strawberry shortcake!!

"Yah! Korosensei! You ate all the strawberry shortcakes at the store!! How dare you!! They were suppose to be home inside my tummy!!" I said and continue to swing multiple attack to him

"Nyuya!! L/n-chan! I-I didn't mean to!" He said while dodging every attack.

I can see strawberry-kun laughing and recording the scene unfold in front of him

"Karma-kun! Don't just stand there and keep her!" Kororsensei pleaded while turning pale

"Eh? I don't want to sensei~" strawberry-kun said and continued to record

I grinned widely and kicked korosensei's tentacle

"Ack!" Korosensei said, his tentacle exploding

"I'm glad I made the under of my shoes taped with knife." I said and laughed manically.

All for Strawberry shortcake-chan (✷‿✷)


"It's hot." I said while fanning myself

"Be surprised if it's cold while we're out here under the sun" strawberry-kun said sarcastically that made me pinch his cheeks.

"Can't karasuma sensei let us take a break?" I whispered at strawberry-kun and he just shrugged.

Wah, nice talking strawberry kun.

"Karasuma-sensei! Great work today! You must be thirsty! Have a nice cold drink!" We all turned our head to Bitch-sensei

All of us deadpanned at her behaviour.

'Something's definitely in the drink'

Tch,tch,tch Bitch-sensei really is too obvious. Karasuma sensei sighed and walked away.

Eh? Why is bitch-sensei kneeling? Ah, did I space out again?

"Oi, Chibi-chan. Let's get some snacks!" I look at Strawberry-kun and my eyes glowed.

"Yey! Thanks for the free snacks!" I said and skipped towards him and kissed his cheeks.

I saw him go red and I just chuckled. We both went to the vending machine and stayed there for like an hour.

"Ne, Ne, karma.. Who is that old geezer?" I asked him and pointed at the old man.

He looked at where i am pointing and he just shrugged his shoulders

"Wah, Mr. Know it all , know nothing today.." I said and deadpanned at him

"Atleast I didn't get 60 scores on every test" he said and grinned


"Eh? What are you talking about? There was a test?" I asked him

He just sighed and stood up taking my hand to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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