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When Hawwy and LouLou bringed us to there hows I was frade

Wut if dey mean wike mama and Lili's papa.

Nana and Pop pop were on the sofa and I waved at dem. Dey nice and Nana smells wike cookies.

She gived me one.

LouLou put lili on the floor so he would walk but Lili was frade too. I runned to him and gives him my cookie. Lili is a baby and needs me to hwelp him.

Lili got happy and we holded hands.

Nana, Pop pop, Hawwy and LouLou gives us smiles and said yay to me and Lili.


They're the sweetest little babies ever. So caring and I love that Zayn is sharing. With Christmas coming up it'll be nice to see them share their toys.

Liam is still pretty scared to be here. I don't blame him. In his previous home he had to deal with his mother taping his mouth and his dad abusing his older brother. Obviously there was drug use happening in the home since Liam somehow managed to eat cocaine.

I still get shivers thinking about how these a kids lived. A week ago they were being abused and neglected and now they're in a safe environment.

"Hey babies are you hungry?" I asked

"Food?" Zayn said with wide eyes and Liam toddled over to the kitchen

"Yes Nana made her famous macaroni and cheese"

"Roni and cheese!! Lili! roni and cheese" Zayn sang causing Liam to dance in circles.

Harry laughed as he recorded the babies singing and dancing. That's definitely a video that we'll play when these kids go off to college.

"Well they seem happy." Mom said

"I'm sending this video to the guys on the force. I'm sure they'll love to see how the boys are doing" my dad said

"Dad you can text?" I joked

"Of course Louis. I'm not an old man."

"Sure you aren't. So how's about you help me put this guys in their high chairs so they can enjoy their roni and cheese" I laughed

It was cute to see how happy these babies were over a simple pasta dish. Zayn smiled with every bite. We were still weary about giving him bigger portions since his stomach was still getting use to food. We gave him half the amount we gave Liam. If we give him too much solid food he'll end up with an upset stomach and have diarrhea.

I still can't believe those evil people starved him. Liam was a different story. That boy abandoned his fork completely and used his hands. He had cheese on his face, his shirt and in his hair.

The pediatric doctor gave me medical referrals for both boys. Liam will need speech and occupational therapy and Zayn would need physical therapy to help the growth of his muscles.

Harry gave both boys bottles. Liam had milk and and Zayn had his specialized formula. Eventually I want both of them on sippy cups but I don't want to rush them.

It was funny to see how Zayn was trying to force himself to stay  awake so that he can finish his food and Liam just passed out in his high chair.

Of course I had to take a picture.

Harry came over with some hypoallergenic wipes since both boys have sensitive skin and cleaned up their messy faces and Liam's hands.

He carried Liam and I had Zayn in my arms. My mom walked in front of us and opened the door to their shared bedroom.

Harry and I decided that they should share for now since they're young and we didn't want them to be scared if they woke up in the middle of the night alone.

We removed their shoes and covered them with special blankets.

My mom ordered each of them a blanket with their name and birthday.

I turned on the baby monitor so that we could see them. The voice ones were cheaper but I felt more comfortable being able to see them.

This was something we never got to do with Darcy. It does hurt thinking about all the stuff we never got to experience with our daughter but I'm happy that we get to show these beautiful boys exactly what life is supposed to be like.

When we walked back to the living room I pulled Harry in for a hug.

"Thank you"

"I don't know why I'm being thanked but you're welcome" he said

"Thanks for calling me that night. For letting me know that they were in the hospital to begin with. I never thought that we'd have anymore children but I'm happy that we have these boys."

"They're amazing aren't they? I already texted my coworkers the video. Nick and Calum want to come by this weekend with the kids." He replied

"That would be nice. Plus chances are Calum will be their teacher when they go off to school so it's good that they know him now. Plus they'll get to meet their cousins"

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