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Harry's POV
(Time jump)

I feel so sad. Today I'm going back to work. I've been home with my family for Close to 6 months.

The boys have been here for half a year and we can finally start the adoption paper work process.

Today I have to say goodbye to my babies and my husband. They get to stay home and be together while i'm off at work.

What if i catch something? What if i get the flu and bring it home to my kids? Zayn and Liam have already been through so much the last thing they need to be sick because I carried an illness back home.

"Babe are you okay?" Louis asked from his side of the bed.

As much as I wanted to be strong, as much as I wanted to show my husband that I'm okay, I couldn't. I couldn't hold back the tears. I couldn't hide the pain I felt.

I don't want to go. Technically we don't even need to work but I help so many people, I'm the person that others trust to save their loved ones.

But it comes at a sacrifice. I have to take time away from my own family to make sure that other people's family are okay.

"Oh my god Hazza are you okay?" Lou asked as he immediately hugged me into his chest.

"I'm sorry. I'm just emotional. I don't want to leave our boys. After everything we've been through, after everything they've been through; I just feel like a terrible person for leaving." I explained

"Babe, you're not terrible. I promise. If anything this makes you a good dad. You want to be here with our family. Honestly it's kind of hot really."

I couldn't help but laugh. Louis always knew how to make me smile. This is why he's perfect. He's just the one for me. He knows me so well.

"Really so me crying at 4 in the morning is hot?" I asked

"It's incredibly sexy." He laughed

"Damn, I love you" I said

"I love you too" he smiled

Wow. This man is perfect

I gently pulled on his shirt so that he got the hint to get on top of me.

He followed my lead and straddled my waist. I was still naked from last night and it was obvious that Lou didn't put on any underwear when he went to grab a shirt from the dresser

I pulled his face to mine and kissed is perfect lips.

He let out small whimpers are our members grinded on each other

"Fuck, please can I ride you?" Lou asked

I laughed and I reached for the bottled of lube on my night stand. Lou took it from me and coated his palm in the water based Lube.

"Fuck Lou" I moaned as he jerked me off to make sure my cock was slick enough to enter him

I bit my lip and watched his blissed out face as he lowered himself on to me.

We literally had sex before going to bed and blast night and Lou was still so tight for me.

Once he was fully seated in me I kissed his lips.

"Ride me" I growled seductively

With that command Lou was bouncing up and down on my cock, His insides felts so good as they grabbed on to my cock like a vice grip

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