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Harry's POV

I held the New born in my arms. He was absolutely perfect. I could take my eyes off of him and I was just in complete awe.

He was also a very hungry little man. Louis asked if he could be dropped off here for a medical exam before we took him home and then went to a follow up appointment for Zayn's arm and wanted to reschedule one of Liam's speech therapy appointments.

Word speed fast around the hospital of the new baby and several of the doctors I work with had cleared time in their schedule to examine my newest son.

He was given a clean bill of heath and several of them commented on how it was meant to be. We had his brothers and now we opened our home to him. They said how from the start of his life he will always be loved and thankfully he he not endure the tragedies his older brothers have faced.

The beautiful baby boy looked nothing like his brothers, then again Zayn and Liam didn't look anything alike either. so it's safe to say he was a spitting image of his biological father. It broke my heart that his biological father didn't want him because he was the product of an affair, but I'm happy to know that we will not have to fight for custody. We were already contacted by his lawyer saying that he will sign everything to make sure "the baby" as he called him, stays with us and in return we will never be allowed to contact him and we will be is legal trouble if we disclose his affair.

Honestly it's a win for us. We will get to keep our sweet baby and not run the risk of someone coming out of the wood work trying to get custody over him.

In a way, my newest son looked like Louis but that could be because they both have sparkling blue eyes.

Even though none of my children were biologically mine, they were mine. They are my babies to love, care for and guide. I'll be there for all their big life moments and they will know that Lou and I are here for them always.

My youngest son wiggled in my arms and looked at me. He was absolutely perfect. He was perfect from little button nose to the thin hair on the top of his head. All of my babies were perfect.

I'm still in awe that I somehow went from having a household with just Lou and I to now we are welcoming another baby into our lives. We had literally just started trying again and in the blink of an eye it was as if the universe said "here you go, here's the baby that you wanted"

Darcy will always be in my heart but there's something about looking at my newest son that holds so much significance.

I love Liam and Zayn but I never experienced watching them grow from day one. I hate that i missed out on that part of their lives. I wish I could have known them from the beginning so that I could have prevented all the trauma that they faced while growing up with those evil people.

They came into mine and Lou's life when they were older, and now we will finally get to experience what it's like dealing with a newborn. This was the one thing we never got the chance to know because we left the hospital without our baby and now we will be leaving the hospital with a perfectly healthy baby boy.

It also warms my heart knowing that Lou and I were able to keep at three children together. They are brothers no matter who fathered them. Lou is a huge advocate on not splitting siblings up when looking for homes for them and to know that all three of these perfect little babies will grow up along side their siblings in a house hood full of love and support is the ultimate dream come true.

"He's perfect isn't he?"

I looked up and saw my amazing husband looking back at me. I was I. Such a trance over our new son that I didn't even hear him walk in.

I laughed when I saw that Zayn was passed out asleep in the double stroller with a small amount of drool on his chin and Liam was cuddled with a blanket and giving his brother side eye in confusion.

"Yeah he is" I answered

Liam perked up when he heard his new brother make a small whine. There was nothing wrong with him he just wanted us to know that he was still here.

I walked over with the baby and brought him to the stroller so that Liam can get a closer look. It was as if Liam could sense the connection between him and his brother and then proceeded to give the new baby his favorite blanket.

It was Liam's first action as a big brother.

Zayn woke up and he was so confused but then when he saw Lou and myself he smiled.

Zayn was immediately confused when he saw me holding a baby that wasn't him or Liam.

I watched as Lou got down to eye level with our toddlers and explained to them that they now have a new baby brother.

Zayn demanded us to let him give the new baby a kiss and Liam wanted to hold him.

The 5 of us spent the next hour bonding as a family while we waited for discharge papers.

Louis and I had always talked about what we would have named our baby had it been a boy. We knew the perfect name for our perfect little addition

Niall James Tomlinson-Styles

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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