Chapter 12

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Joe ended up giving me my phone back to me when he returned from home from work. He did apologise but seeing that new side of Joe really made me think if whether our relationship is healthy.

I have never feared for my children's or my own safety until that moment.

Not wanting to see Joe in that state again, I decided to play the role of his woman. I just wanted to have a day without arguing and we did just that, I didn't bite back.

I let Joe touch me that night and it felt so wrong yet so right. What used to be filled with passion was completely lust filled and Joe was rougher than he has ever been. Parts of me felt disrespected by the man that I love.

Amelia has been blowing up my phone because Nikita made some YouTube video but I really don't care for that so I ignore her as I focus on my two boys who are sleeping.

"You ready to go on the walk?" Joe asks as he walks into our bedroom and I nod my head. "I'll set the pram up."

"Ok." I fake a smile as I pick up Thomas. 

I watch as Joe picks up Joseph and I let out a small sigh as I keep a careful eye on them as we make our way downstairs. I decided to leave my phone upstairs because I don't want Joe to start popping off over nothing.

"Let me get Binx." I set Thomas down in the cot that we keep downstairs before I make my way over to Binx who is playing with a toy.

I look down at my dog with sadness as I feel as if I neglected him that time that Joe started acting crazy. I should have came back for him but I was so scared for my life.

"Hi Binx." I bend down and he starts jumping with excitement. "Do you want to go on a walk?"

He lets out a bark and I smile. 

"I guess that's a yes." Joe chuckles and I don't respond as I head to the cupboard to fetch the leash and the doggy bag.

"You ready?" I call out to Joe and he responds with a yes so we set off.

"How has your day been?" Joe asks as he wraps his arm around my waist while he keeps a steady grip on Binx' leash

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"How has your day been?" Joe asks as he wraps his arm around my waist while he keeps a steady grip on Binx' leash.

I lean into Joe's embrace as I continue to push the boys in the pram.

"I had a bunch of business calls this morning but the boys decided to show off their vocals during that time." I almost laugh as I remember all the noises the twins were making when I was doing a team meeting over the phone. "My day has been fine, how was work?"

"Stressful but I'm just so blessed to be back." Joe smile downs at me. "I do miss being the champion but I can deal with being where I am. I get to spend more time with my family so I can't complain too much."

"About two nights ago." I purse my lips. "Joe, that can't ever happen again."

"I know and I'm sorry."

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