Chapter 5

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Joe took time off work for his paternity leave and he recently returned to WWE. Our whole family was present for that and we decided to then get the kids baptized.

His family are here so it made sense to do since everyone is in town. Joe's family are staying at our home so I had to talk to them.

We are still not on the best terms but there are improvements being made.

"You ready?" The pastor walks into the room and I nod my head.

I have been hiding out in the backroom with my mom since I didn't want to be in the presence of Joe's family. The Fatu clan are also here which makes me feel uneasy but they are the twins family and I could never deprive them of that.

"If you have any issues with them, you let me know." My mom gives me a look and I nod my head. "Amerie, I mean it. If they even make a snide remark, I will deal with them."

"Thanks mom." She wraps up in her arms and I let out a deep sigh.

Joe soon walks into the room and my mom takes some pictures of us with the boys since they are dressed in the most gorgeous white suits.

We walk into the main church and I'm surprised to see that the place is full. Thankfully my friends and family from my mother's side are here for this.

The first hour ends up being a normal church service and I can't but smirk since I have not been to church in years. I was raised as a Christian so this was something important for us. After the service finishes the priest greets everyone before making a speech about the twins.

"What name have you given your children?" The priest asks us as we stand before him.

"What name have you given your children?" The priest asks us as we stand before him

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I am holding Thomas and Joe is holding Joseph. 

"Tamati Leati San-Anoai." I softly say into the microphone.

"Iosefa Leati San-Anoa'i." Joseph smiles down at me and I return the smile.

"What do you ask of God's Church for Tamati and Iosefa?"

"Baptism." We both say.

"You have asked to have your child baptized. In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training them in the practice of the faith. It will be your duty to bring them up to keep God's commandments as Christ taught us, by loving God and our neighbor. Do you clearly understand what you are undertaking?" I won't lie, the are asking for a lot.

"We do."

The priest calls for the Godparents to step forward. We haven't told the Godparents who they are so everyone is just looking around, waiting to see who will stand up.

"The Godparents to Tamati are Jonathan Good and Sofia Lundgren." The priest reads from the card.

"What the?" Sofia stands up in shock. We all laugh as she pulls a sleeping Jon to his feet and he looks around disoriented but they make their way up.

"The Godparents to Iosefa are Colby Lopez and Jordana Scott." I smile over at Jordana who is looking at me with wide eyes.

Once the Godparents are all standing besides their Godchild, the priest asks them a question.

"Are you ready to help the parents of this child in their duty as Christian parents?"

"We are." They respond in their own time.

"Joe, we're going to have a talk after this." Jon tells Joe which makes everyone in the church laugh.

"The Christian community welcomes you with great joy. In its name I claim you for Christ our Savior by the sign of his cross." The priest speaks to Iosefa who starts waving his arms around. "I now trace the cross on your forehead, and invite your parents and godparents to do the same."

The priest signs his forehead before turning to Tamati to do the same.

Shortly after the baptism is completed. We take a lot of group photos and go around greeting people since others have to leave. Once we finish up at the church, we head to our home to celebrate.

We hired a couple of chefs who have been preparing food this entire time.

"He's so cute." Joelle comments as she holds Iosefa in her arms. "And tiny."

"Once upon a time you was that big." Joe tells her as he wraps his arm around her and I take a quick picture of them as we get settled in the backyard. The children have all run off to tennis court and the pool to play while the adults are mingling around. 

"Thank you for giving me brothers

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"Thank you for giving me brothers." Joelle smiles at me and I kiss her cheek.

"Thank you for loving your brothers." I softly respond and she kisses Iosefa.

"I want to live here with you guys." My eyes widen at her words. "Can I live here?"

"Jojo." Joe sighs as he strokes her hair. "You live with mommy in Florida, you have school and all your friends there."

"But I don't have you." She sadly says. "I don't have Amerie or my brothers with me. Florida is too far, I don't like flying."

"We'll talk about this later, sweetie." I caress her cheek. "Let's just enjoy the rest of day."

My eyes meet Joe's and I can see the look of panic in his eyes. 

We are in a lot of shit.

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