Chapter 3

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RomanReigns: WWE European Leg is on the way

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Posted 2 hours ago 

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Posted 2 hours ago 

AmerieSanchez: No Makeup 

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We are in Paris and as always it is a sight for sore eyes. Since my parents are entertainers we used to travel all over the world for their jobs. I always loved seeing new places but we were never there long enough to tour the different different cities. 

"This tastes so good." CJ moans as she bites into whatever desert she is eating. I sit patiently waiting for my pastry and coffee to arrive while Jordana does the same.

 I sit patiently waiting for my pastry and coffee to arrive while Jordana does the same

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I'm actually pissed with Jordana at the moment. As soon as we got to Paris, we had a huge argument because I made our plans for the day. We are only staying here for the day before flying back to LA so I wanted us to at least enjoy the day.

She's being completely ungrateful and is complaining that I'm changing because of Joe as if this bitch isn't thirsting for Colby. 

"So, what's up with you guys?" CJ asks after our pastries are brought out. "There is so much tension here."

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