Chapter 6

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Tuesday Morning, Before School

You were currently waiting for the train at the Ginza lane. After a good breakfast with your mother, you quickly headed to the station.

"I'm so sore" you stretched out. The past few days you've been working out to get back into shape. However, you thought it'd be a good idea to do more in your workout yesterday, but now you're facing the consequences of it.

As you continued to try to stretch the soreness out, a familiar voice called out to you.

"Good morning Y/n-senpai!"

You turned your head to see Kasumi Yoshizawa walking up to you. She was carrying three bags, one looked to be a book bag, a duffle bag, and a bag you couldn't recognize. Her bright red eyes made contact with yours causing her to smile.

"Mornin Kasu- I mean Yoshizawa-san" you stood up straight. You then sctrached the back of your neck.

"You were going to call me by my first name?"

"It's just a habit. Even though I've studied Japanese and the culture for years, calling people by their first names, being friends with them or not, is still embedded in my brain." You explained while turning to her.

"Oh... I mean, I don't mind! You told me to call you Y/n-senpai, so I don't mind if you call me by my first name" she shyly replied.

"Sounds good to me, Kasumi. You got a hefty load there, carrying all those bags" you continued with the conversation. Before the first year could reply, the train had arrived and you two boarded it while other people exited it.

"Oh this, it's not too much. It's just school, lunch, and my practice clothes for gymnastics." She explained.

"Helluva bag for just lunch. You have an appetite or did you make something for someone else?"

"Well, a lot of it is for me, but I told my senpai that I would make him something today for helping me out so much"

"Uhh, may I ask who is your senpai?" You asked with visible confusion on your face.

"Oh! Amamiya-san is his name. I believe you're in his class"

"He is" you nodded your head to her.

"Well, he's been super helpful to me and I just want to show how grateful I am." She looked at the bag that carried the lunches.

"That's sweet of you. I'm sure he'll appreciate it" you reassured the girl. "I've talked to him a few times. After our dodgeball game in gym class the other day, he talked to me. Seems like a person that just gets the point across, but he's cool from what I've experienced from talking to him."

"Yeah, he doesn't stray away from what he's thinking about. It's nice to hear that senpai is getting along better with people, compared to when I first arrived."

You raised an eyebrow, "whaddya mean?"

"Well, it's not my place to talk about what was said. He just had a bunch of rumors and some other things were said. He is a nice guy though"

"Mhm..." You wondered what it could be. You tried to think if you had heard any rumors, but everyone mainly talked about you the whole first week you were at Shujin. "Well, you can't judge a book by its cover"

"You're correct Y/n-senpai"

"You said one of the bags was for gymnastics, you compete?"

"Oh yes!" Kasumi lit up, "unfortunately I'm in a slump right now and that's why senpai is helping me, but I do compete. Nationals is in a few months and I'm trying to do everything to get my routine perfect."

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