Chapter 4

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Thursday, Before School

You were currently in the kitchen eating breakfast before you left for school. While doing so, you had your tablet out looking at pages for local travel baseball teams, seeing if anyone needed a player to pick up. You were also listening, with earphones, to a few audiobooks to help out with learning Japanese culture. That's the main subject you need to cram for the exams soon.

"What are you up to hun?" Your mother asked while refilling your drink. You looked at her and thanked her before answering.

"Just listening to this audiobook and looking to see if there's any travel teams around here that are in need of a pick up player. Don't know how I can make it work if I'm not a full citizen here"

"Maybe say that you're attending Shujin?" Your mother suggested. "I thought you said you were going to take a break from baseball while we're here?"

"I just don't want to use Shujin's name when I play, really. We've been here for only a week and I'm already missing it." You replied. You kept looking at dates for upcoming tournaments, but all teams were filled. You paused the audio playing and turned the tablet off. You then took the earphones out, and set the device to the side of the table.

"What about using Shujin's name?" Your dad walked into the kitchen with his suit on. He walked over to the counter and got him a glass to fill with water.

"After the incident, which you failed to mention to me or mom, principal Kobayakawa is doing whatever he can to get Shujin's name back on the good side. So in the meeting with him last Sunday, he said if I play in tournaments that I'm free to use the name of the school."

"Why are you worried about playing ball still? Don't you think it's time to sit down and think on what you want to do for your future? Shujin is known for getting students ready for colleges." Your dad said while sitting down across from you.

"Yeah, colleges in Japan. I don't plan on staying here after you're done."

"Still, it's going to show up on your applications when we do move back to the states." He replied.

"Your point is?" You questioned him.

"I think you should just worry about school here and don't play baseball. That's just my thought"

The tension between you and your father started to grow. Your mother quickly noticed this and tried to step in, but you continued on with this aggravating conversation.

"And why's that dad? Don't think I'm good enough to get a scholarship to play for a school? Doesn't have to be a D-1 school. I make the grades to go to basically anywhere, but what do you think?"

"I don't know what you're trying to prove here" he started. This instantly made you clench your left hand in anger. "I'm just worried you'll get caught up in a fantasy and won't be successful in life"

"Glad to know that's what you really think about me" you stood up and began to go to your room, no longer wanting to talk to him. It was time to get ready for school anyways.

"I just want you to be successful, that's all Y/n" your dad retorted. You didn't reply to him and continued to your room, pissed off to a whole new level.

Entering your room, you quickly shut the door and leaned back on it. Your eyes started to water up, but you wiped them to stop from any tears from falling.

"I don't get what you're trying to prove, huh?" You quickly took off your t-shirt and shorts and grabbed your Shujin uniform.

"So much for being a caring dad" you put on the uniform. You went over to your dresser to look at yourself in the mirror.  Your distraught eyes were a bit red, and a frown was plastered on your face. You fixed the collar on the shirt, making sure you looked proper for the school day.

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