Chapter 2

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Tokyo City,  Sunday Afternoon

After moving into your new apartment, that took all day of Saturday, you slept to try to adjust your body to the time zone. Your apartment was in the heart of Tokyo, just a ten minute walk to Shibuya Station. That will be how you mostly will get around Tokyo, by riding trains. Your parents had already bought you a pass to get from Shibuya to school, but more stations can be added on if you need them to be.

You and your mother were currently walking to the station, on the way to Shujin Academy to meet principal Kobayakawa. You were starting at the school tomorrow, something you obviously weren't looking forward to.

"I know you don't like this, but this can be different. New country, new people, I think it's a good opportunity." Your mother sparked a conversation.

"Yeah, it's definitely a experience worth having, but I have to learn so much in so little time being in this school." You sighed while taking in the view of downtown of Tokyo, "they have Saturday school here. I'm not happy about that" you finished with a huff of disappointment

"I understand, quite difficult to do this, but you've proven that you can handle a lot of challenges thrown to you" your mother giggled.

"Yeah..." You replied thinking on what she just said. Sure you managed to learn a new language in three years, while making straight A's in school, and playing baseball as well. However, you never got any praise of some sort from your dad, even with putting the extra time and effort into everything.

"Y/n" you mother began, you turned and gave her your attention. "You've been trying to get your father's attention for quite some time. I've been trying to help you out too, but I think it's time you start worrying about yourself more than anything. I love you and your father, but I just hate seeing you do all this just to try to make him recognize you. You should change the way you do things. Right now would be a great opportunity to do so. Could you try to do that for me?"

You sighed, "honestly, could we not talk about that? I'm at that point where I know I can't do anything anymore to get his attention. I've done all I can, but it just seems like I'm a burden to him" you took a deep breath to keep you from losing your emotions. "Hell, only thing I can think of is having this Phantom Thieves group change his heart. Ya know?"

"I'm sorry that things are this way" your mother apologized.

"No need to do that mom. Just rolling the dice life is giving me." You pressed your lips in dissatisfaction.

"This group, the Phantom Thieves, I'm not so sure about them. I don't agree with what they're doing" your mother continued on.

"Understandable mom, it is very disturbing that they can forcefully change someone's heart. Pretty sure that's a crime in itself. I've looked into it more than I honestly should've."

"Please don't get caught up in that mess. I just want you to enjoy your time here Y/n" your mother added.

"I don't plan to Mom, I'm just saying. From everything I've looked at, something doesn't seem right. It's like the targets they've been after and "changed their hearts" had to affect them on a personal level. The regular law enforcement couldn't do anything to these people before, but since they confessed the crimes, it's basically fair game. They even have a website that you can request, and it shows a percentage on people who believe in them" you explained.

"Regardless, I don't like it. Now, I think the train line we have to get on is this way" your mother looked at the screen of her phone.

Outside of the Shujin school gates

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