Final A

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I followed the sweet voice of her and there she was standing right in front of me, but she wasn't here for me nor to talk to me, no she was here because of him. The guy I personally envay so much, because I know he would have never cheated on her nor break her precious heart. I know deep down in my heart that I'm nothing compared to him and that her future would be more enlightning with him instead of me.

The pain and the tears I have caused her back then are nothing compared to the incident that happened in the hospital, still she chose to stay by my side and taking care of me even though I was an asshole and no one. I wish I could turn back time and stop the mistake I made....

Y/N's PoV:

I was going up and down in  my room, deciding what is best for me, but didn't come to a solution. Why is it so damn hard? And why can't my heart just decide to take Si, why am I still thinking about Jungkook. Nothing helpfull came to my mind, so I called Sarang.

"Sarang I need your help?" "Hello to you too, I heard what happened in the hospital. Are you okay?" "Yes I'm okay, but I don't know if Jungkook is. I mean I still don't know why I care so much for him. My head says to forget him, but my heart is making me go crazy. Like I don't know what decision I should make. Si or Jungkook. Why am I even thinking of Jungkook as an option, he broke my heart and showedme that love isn't always perfect and can bring lies with it. And then there is Si, he showed me how much he likes me even after such a short time and I felt appreciated again. He showed me that love can be beautiful and not just painful if you maybe find the right guy. Still I'm thinking about this jerk, urgh why??" "Woah, woah calm down my lady, I totally understand your situation. Sometimes you think you are over someone, but in the end he still owns your heart even though you want to deny it. Y/N I don't want to make your desicion, but I'm telling you to take your decision wisely, because I don't want you to regret it for the rest of your life. Listen to your heart even when it's still shattered in thousand pieces, listen to it because deep down there is the answer that will show you what the right way is. Have you understood princess?" "Yes, thank what would I do without you, when every thing is over I'm owing you a boba drink! I see you, bye love you."

I know that my heart is still shattered in pieces, but thanks to Sarang something lid up in my mind. The decision I should take and why.....

Daoming Si's PoV:

This was it, this was the end of a maybe beautiful relationship. My flight is going in 20 mintues, but she never showed up, not even to say goodbye. But I'm not surprised, the incident that happened back then showed me that her love for him never faded even when he cheated. I realised that I'll never be like him, he's perfect in any way. He's talented, he's one of the favorite celeb in korea, his group is famous all over the globe and the pride of korea, he's handsome, wellbuild and I'm just an actor and singer from China, known by just a bit of people. Who wouldn't choose him over me. But still there is the fact that he cheated on her and not even this kept her away from him. I wish I could turn back time and meet her even sooner...

I took my luggage an my way to the doors, smiling was never my thing. I almost entered the gate, when someone I never believed would come stopped me.


She did came...

3rd Person PoV:

She did it, even though she thought she couldn't make it any more and miss him. "Stop,please!", Y/N slowly approached Si not knowing that she already had the attention of someone other. "Y/N? You did come, I thought you would chose him...", he asked her confused. "It wasn't easy for me, first of all I think you are worth an apology from for what happened in the hospital. I'm really sorry about that and I realised that someone like doesn't deserve this. Days went by and it never came one day I haven't thought about you. You know I never felt this appreciated by someone after what he did to me, but you showed me that I can be loved and that not all men are the same. But still there was a feeling in side of me that told I don't deserve someone like you, someone who loves me and then there is me who can't even let go of her ex-boyfriend, whose a cheater. I didn't sleep for days thinking what is the right decision, the decision that won't hunt me for the rest of my life and that's why I'm here now. Si I want you to kn-", Y/N couldn't even finished her sentence as she was engulfed into a tight hug by Si

 Si I want you to kn-", Y/N couldn't even finished her sentence as she was engulfed into a tight hug by Si

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"I knew it, I knew it, that you would chose-", but not long after he let go. Not because he wanted to look into her eyes no, but because he saw someone he didn't thought would also be here. HIM....

"What is wrong?", she didn't know why he was acting up like this, after she was about to tell him her decision. "Oh, I understand now, of course why should I think you would choose me over him. I'm happy for you!", Si turned around and made his way to the gate without turning back "What are you talking about? F***ing DAOMING SI I CHOSE YOU NOT HIM!", Y/N was confused why would he even think something like this. "What? Then why is he here?", Si pointed at the heartbroken guy who was now looking Y/N deep in the eyes, tears streaming down his face. Jungkook understood her decision, why did he even thought that she would choose him after everything that had happened between them. He was so stupid for thinking this. "Jungkook?", Y/N was surprised seeing him here, but also did here heart ache she didn't want him to witness this like he did. "Jungkook, w-what are y-you doing here?", Jungkook looked at Si and smiled then he took is glance back to her, he nodded with a reassuring smile, while tears were falling. He turned around and made his way out of this akward situation, not wanting to be much longer there. "Si, I'm sorry. But I need to clear things between us!", she was pointing at Jungkook, but Si quickly understood the situation and reassured her to take her time.

Y/N ran after him trying to find him and stop him. She never wanted it to end like this, but one thing she know she just broke his heart like he did to her years ago. Maybe he desersved this punishment, but still he deserved a clear explanation from her. Jungkook was about to step into the bus, when she stopped him by holding his wrist "Kook, please let me explain! I didn't want you to get the decision like this. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!", she looked down not even beeing able to look into his teary eyes. He cupped her cheeks "Look at me, you don't need to be sorry, cause it isn't your fault to what happened to us. I'm the one who should apologise, I never wanted to break your precious heart, yet I did without blinking with my eyes. I was and I'm still an asshole, who cheated on someone like you and I would do anything to turn back time but I can't. I'm sorry for all the trouble that I have caused you, I hope that some day you can forgive me. I'll wait for that day and maybe we can be friends afterwards, but for now I should get going. I know that he is a good guy and will make you happy, not like I did who broke you. I'm happy that you found someone that can make you smile again, that beautiful smile of yours. I love you...", and with that Jungkook stepped into the bus leaving her behind. She looked after him a tear escaping her eyes, her first love is now the past. He left without knowing that she already forgave him.

In the end Y/N chose Daoming Si she never regretted her decision, but one thing was clear for her back at that day, she took the decision and that she has to live with it...

She will break someones heart, by chosing him.......

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