6 months later

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Y/N PoV:

It's been six months since we two broke up and it's getting better. Life must go on! "Y/N come down, bitch!", my best friend screamed. „Oh shut up, you're the bitch! I'm coming!", I went down to the dining room. There he was sitting with his food, ready to eat. "What do want?", I said annoyed as f*ck. "We're going out, go get dressed.", he said finishing his meal. "Oh man don't tell me we are going out with Taeyang's gang again?", I said pissed. "Yes we are! Why are you annoyed? There are two hot guys!", he looked at me smirking. "Oh I hate you so so much Jungwoo! But Sera and TamTam are coming too, aren't they?", I asked with hope, cause they are the only normal people I know besides Jungwoo sometimes. "Yes they are.", he said. "Ok I get dressed!", I went upstairs and to my bedroom to get dressed. I thought about a perfect outfit for this spring weather. I chose this one.

I did my make up and checked my notifications

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I did my make up and checked my notifications. Jimin called twenty minutes ago. What does he want? I called him back.

On the phone:

Hey girlie~ Jimin
What's up Jimin? Why did you call? Don't you have practice?~Y/N
Nope I have a break for an hour! I wanted to ask you something!~Jimin
Go on Mochi!~Y/N
My schedule got cancelled for the next two weeks, so I thought about visiting you?~Jimin
Omg really that would be cool! When would you come??~Y/N
I would come next Monday and I would stay until the other weeks Thursday! In this time I'd like to visit my family too?!~Jimin
Ok! Do you come by plane or train?~Y/N
I would come by plane, would you come pick me up at the airport?!~Jimin
YES! Of course! I'm looking forward to see you after six months!~Y/N
Ok then see you next week, bye sunshine!~Jimin
Bye Mochi!!~Y/N

Call ended..

Oh my gosh he's coming! Yes someone normal is gonna visit me! "Are you finished??", JungJung(I gave him this nickname hihihi) shouted upstairs. "Yeah coming?!", I put everything in my bag and ran downstairs. We finished and went to the mall.

At the mall...

"Hey beautiful!!", Taeyang waved at me. I rolled my eyes. Ever since I came back to Busan and Jungwoo introduced me to them, he's hitting on me. But the thing is he's not my type. "Hey Mr. Fool how are you!", I went to Sera and TamTam. "Why she's always so mean to me?!", he pouted at JungJung. "I don't know ask yourself!", Jungwoo shrugged his shoulders. "He still likes you, doesn't he?", Sera asked. I nodded at her. "So how's life going?!", TamTam asked. "Oh I didn't tell you, my best friend is going to visit me next Monday for two weeks.", I said excited and Taeyang and JungJung turned their heads towards us. "Who's coming!!!!", Jungwoo asked confused. "Jimin is going to visit me, he told me this morning, cause his schedule for the next two weeks got cancelled. So he's going to visit me and his parents!", I said smiling over the whole face. "HEY guys!!!!!!", two unknown boys approached us.

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"Oh hey Daoming Si and Ximen!!", Taeyang stood up and embraced both of the boys

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"Oh hey Daoming Si and Ximen!!", Taeyang stood up and embraced both of the boys. I must admit they are both very handsome. "Girls I want you to introduce you to them!", Taeyang said to us and we approached them. "Hey I'm Kim Y/N nice to meet you two!", I bowed to them. "Hey I'm Daoming Si but you also can call me Si!", the one with the black hair introduced himself. "And I'm Ximen, nice to meet you beautiful girls!", the one with the glasses smiled at us, we giggled. They are very sympathetic. "So do guys want to go eat something?", JungJung asked, we agreed and went to a restaurant.

Daoming Si PoV:

As I first saw her my heart skipped a little bit. She's not like other girls she's special. She's very beautiful and kind, I wonder if she has a boyfriend. We went to a nearby restaurant and I got the opportunity to sit in next to her. "So since when are you here in Busan. It's my first time to see you around?!", I asked her, cause I didn't know how to start the conversation. "Oh me? I'm here for six months now. I came from Seoul and now here I'm!", she giggled a little bit and it was cute. "But why would you come back here if you could live in Seoul?? I'm just curious!", I told her "I lived there with my boyfriend, but we broke up and I needed a little break from life there so here I'm sitting now with all of you!", she looked a little sad at the beginning but then she smiled at the end. She's a strong girl, I really look up to her even though I don't really know her. "So you're staying here?", I looked at her. She shook her head "No I'll stay for only two months and then I need to go back, because I need to finish University!", she said to me with a small smile. "What are you studying?", I asked her curious. "I study English, Sports and History!", she said and took her phone out, because she got a message. "Oh so you're becoming a teacher!", she just nodded and excused herself for a moment.

Y/N PoV:

I got a phone call from Sarang and I answered it quickly.

On the phone:

Y/N you there?~Sarang
Yes? Wassup beauty!~Y/N
Can you came earlier than this fucking two months??~Sarang
What why? Something happened?!~Y/N
Yes and No! First of a all I miss you so much and second there's a big problem between Jimin and Jungkook! I need your help both of them don't hear on Taehyung or me, even the whole group tried it, but nothing helps. Jimin said that he will end the whole contract, if Jungkook! Argh I don't even Why did started fighting! Please come back!!~Sarang
Oh my gosh! He said he will end the.. Oh man ok! I'll will pack my things and this evening I'll be back.~Y/N
Thank you so much I own you something~Sarang
Yeah yeah, see you then~Y/N

Phone call ended..

I went back to the others "Guys I'm really sorry for leaving but I need to go back home!", I excused myself. "What why?!", Jungwoo asked confused "I need to go back to Seoul there's a problem!", I awkwardly laughed. "Oh then good flight and we hope to see you again?!", Ximen stood up and everyone said goodbye to me before I left them.

What happened this time Jungkook, why do I need to come back now when I want to forget you?

So there's a new cast 😉
I watched Meteor Garden and it's really good. So I didn't know who I will put in there and these beautiful boys came to my mind🤫❤️😏So welcome Dylang Wang and Caesar Wu!!!!!!❤️❤️

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