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Again! It's our fourth anniversary und he didn't make it! I'm sitting in our dining room and he is not there. Why? He didn't tell me! My boyfriend is an idol and he's busy I know but this was the second time in a row. „Oh man Jungkook where are you?", I started to clean the table and then go to the living room. Why couldn't you just say you don't have time? I was on my Instagram account when I saw notification on Korea News. I clicked it on and saw a big text and a small photo under it. I began to read it......
Is it true? Do we have a new couple in Korea to welcome. These two lovebirds are seen every time together these past few days. How about their fans? How do they feel when the found out their faves are dating. I mean there were many rumors about Lisa from Blackpink dating some guy, but did they knew that he's the maknae from the so famous group called BTS! Did they know it's Jeon Jungkook? More details soon.

 I mean there were many rumors about Lisa from Blackpink dating some guy, but did they knew that he's the maknae from the so famous group called BTS! Did they know it's Jeon Jungkook? More details soon

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I felt how some tears fell down my eyes. He wouldn't do it, would he? Is this why he doesn't want to see me, lately? I curled into a small ball and began to sob, in the beginning quietly and than louder. Am I not good enough for him? Is it because I'm not an idol? Why Jungkook, why?
I slowly drifted to sleep, but my head was the whole time by those rumors.

Jungkook's PoV:

After my date with Lisa, I went back home. When I opened the front door, it smelled very good. Did she cook? I got very excited, because I love her food soooo much. It's sooooooo delicious! I was in the living room and wanted to go to the kitchen, but something got my attention.  I looked to the right an there she was laying on the couch. I got nearer and I noticed that she had been crying, but why? I took her bridal style to our shared bedroom and laid her down. I stroked through her hair and looked at her features, she's so beautiful. She gets more beautiful every day. I love her so much. But I'm a CHEATER! And I can't change anything about it........

Jimin PoV:

It's 8 pm and Y/N didn't call me back?! I hope she didn't read the news! Yes I'm a very bad friend, I knew about Jungkook cheating on her,  but I just saw these two a week ago. I wish I had the courage to tell Y/N, but I didn't want to break her heart because I knew how much she loves that ass!! I wanted to talk to him in person but I didn't get the opportunity. I could punch him in his fucking ugly ass face. How could he cheat on her??? I hate HIM!!

Y/N PoV:

I woke up because of the noise in the bathroom. Is he back from cheating on me? Suddenly his phone began to rang, I took an there it was written big and fat BABYGIRL❤️
and a picture of them.

My heart broke into pieces again

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My heart broke into pieces again. Tears started to built I couldn't take it anymore. I got up and went to the guest room. I took my suitcase and put everything in it I had. I finished and went down to the kitchen to took my keys. "BABE WHERE ARE YOU?", I heard his voice and at the word BABE my head was thinking how many times he said this word to her. I didn't answer him and went quickly as I could to the front door. I was about to open it when I heard his voice behind me "Where are going? With that suitcase??", I flinched at his voice. "Leaving!", I said without turning around. "What?", I could hear that he's confused. "I'm leaving Jungkook! And I'm never coming back!", I got the courage to turn around. I looked him in his confused eyes. "Babe what are you talking about, hahaha you're joking right? We're are the cameras??", he began to spill and laugh nervous and sad. "No I'm not Jungkook! I mean it!", I told him and now a tear escaped his eyes. "Nono Nono Nono you cannot do this to me, please baby!!", he tried to hold my hands but I pushed them away. "Don't Babe me ass!!", I got confident. "But what did I do that you leave me???", I looked down without answering. "Cheating! Cheating Jungkook!", I looked him now in his teary shocked eyes. "Wh-what?", he began to stutter. "Don't act stupid! I know you are cheating on me with Lisa. I'm not that stupid!!", I shouted angry at him. "Babe it's not what it looks like!!", he approached me. "Don't  touch me, go away!", I pushed him. "I love you Y/N! Don't leave me!", he said with tears in his eyes. "You loved me Jungkook. If you had loved me back then, you wouldn't have fallen in love with Lisa. It's over Jungkook! Goodbye!", I left him in our apartment. I got in my car and drove to the airport. I'm going back to Busan for a time, to forget everything. I didn't realise that I was crying, I love him, I FUCKING LOVE HIM! But he hurt me!

Jungkook's PoV:

Nooooo I fucked up! I let her go! My first big love! I let her go like she was never mine! I collapsed to the ground and cried like there will be no end.

Why did I cheat Why!!!!!! I cried over and over

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Why did I cheat Why!!!!!! I cried over and over. It didn't stop running down my face. It didn't feel good, my heart felt heavy. I couldn't get up anymore, it's like I lost something that was the most important thing in my heart. I felt so empty without her. I cried over an hour and afterwards I felt so emotionless. I was sitting there starring in the empty living room. I didn't react to anything. My phone buzzed but I didn't answer. I couldn't hear anything, it was like a nightmare I never wanted to feel. I heard how the door opened but I couldn't recognise the figure, which approached me. My eyes were to watery.

Jimin's PoV:

I was so worried that I drove to their apartment. When I arrived I saw that her car wasn't there anymore. I saw that the front door was open, I quickly got out of the car and ran inside. There he was sitting emotionless and I saw that he was crying. "Hey, Jungkook where is Y/N?", he didn't respond to me. "Jungkook answer me!!! What happened!", I shook him. "She left.... she left me.....", after I heard those words he began to cry again. "Why did I do it??? Why ???? Y/N please come back!!!! I NEED YOU!!!!!!", he cried out loud and my heart broke to see him like this. I knew he was the one cheating, but after all he's my friend and seeing him like this is so hurtful. I helped him up and brought him to the couch. "I'm getting you something to drink, ok stay there!!", I went to the kitchen to take a glass water. I tried to call her, but she didn't answer. I tried over and over again, but no response. Where are you going Y/N.................

My boyfriend is an idol|Jungkook FF| Dylan Wang FFWhere stories live. Discover now