The biggest mistake in my life....

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Jungkook's PoV:

I couldn't believe what just had happened, I took a look at the food in front of me, the food she had made for me. Slowly tears were streaming down my cheeks, I would never had cheated on her, I promised it back then, but the reality was playing with my mind. I cheated on her with Lisa and I can't even remember it. I wanted to remember it, to remember the big mistake I made years ago. My head was hurting, I can't remember anything not a single memory of what had happend months or years ago. I hate myself so much for hurting her, I need to make it up to her and apolegies to her. I stood up and snatched away the blood transfusion, I don't take care if I'm not allowed to leave the hospital I'll find a way. I changed into some sweatpants and a shirt, I was on my way to the door when I heard a conversation.

"Do you know what Y/N is going to do now, Sarang?" "Jimin-ah, she told Jungkook the truth, I think that this was the end. Also there is Si, today is his flight back to Shanghai." Isn't this the guy who tried taking her with him and Y/N refused? "So you think she'll go to the airport to meet him?" "I just don't think this, she definitly go to see him, maybe she even will go with him. I don't know!" "Alright, we need to keep this away from Jungkook, he shouldn't know this! Let's go grab a coffee."

So she will go to the airport to meet him. I need to go to her quickly. I slowly opened the door and went to the elevator, I hope no one noticed me. I was now standing outside of the hospital looking for an uber, "Sir, where do you wanna go?" "Could you take me to the airport please?" "Yeah sure!", I sat down and tried calling her. Please answer your phone Y/N please!

Jimin's Pov:

Sarang and I were on our way back to Jungkooks room "Do you think JK can live normally without her or better get his memories back?", Sarang asked me suddenly "Sarang-ah, I really don't know if Jungkook can handle all this. I mean he even wanted to propose to her. I think the best way is that he needs to get his memories back, so that he can live an easier life. But for now let's just be there for him!", I opened his roomdoor "Junkookie we are ba-. JUNGKOOK????". We looked in the whole room but no sign of him, he left. F***!!! He's definitly on his way to the airport. "Kook must have heard our conversation outside, he's defintily on his way to the airport, but still he hasn't recovered yet. We need to go, quick!". Oh man Junkook what are trying to do?

Jungkook's PoV:

Why isn't she replying to my calls and messages? I tried everything but nothing worked. "Ahjussi, please hurry up!!"; I hope I'm not to late. I want to tell her that I'm sorry for everything and that I want to be forgiven.

We arrived at the airport finally, I thanked the driver and quickly made my way inside. Which way should I go, damn the airport is big, how should I know where I could find them. I searched for any information about a flight to Shanghai. After about 20 minutes, I found out at which gate the flight will take of, I ran to terminal 7 and searched every where for her, but no sign. Wherer could she be, where could he be??

I have now searched for more then two hours, but couldn't find anything. I sat down and tears started to build in my eyes. I've messed up, I've messed up so bad and I can't change it anymore. The love of my life just vanished in front of my eyes, as if she was never there and I'll forever regret the mistake I made years ago. It was the biggest mistake in my whole life and I regret more than anything.....



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