I 03 I A Trip to Diagon Alley

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Who knew there was a hidden magical world right in the middle of London? Alexander had explored the city for most of his life, through school trips or visits to view the landmarks where he was always accompanied by Eliot.

Two days later, after the revelation, Grandfather Laurent declared a trip to buy Alexander's school supplies. Eliot, however, wanted to wait a few days for Alexander to take in the news. Alexander dismissed this notion, claiming that he wanted to see more of the magical world, and neither Eliot nor Grandfather Laurent denied him. They must have felt guilty to have hidden the secret from him for so long.

'Are we going to get these from London, Grandfather,' asked Alexander as he read over the second parchment.

Grandfather Laurent was fixing his tie in the mirror. 'Of course. Today will be a quiet day. Not many people, hopefully. A majority tend to visit Diagon Alley towards the end of August.'

Alexander scrunched his nose, his tone sceptical. 'An alley? How do you put multiple shops in an alley? It won't fit.'

The first thing you have to learn is not to take everything at face value. Magic is full of contradictions.' Grandfather Laurent threw him a sly smirk. 'Do not worry, Alexander. You will see, today.'

Alexander and Grandfather Laurent rode in the BMW. They would have taken the Underground, but Grandfather Laurent stated that it would be easier to take the car, especially coming back. Grandfather instructed his driver to take them to Charing Cross Road.

As Alexander sat in the leather seat, he peered out of the window, watching the city go past. London greeted Alexander like an old reliable friend. Double-decker buses, black cabs, and grey clouds. It was past morning rush hour, so the roads were fairly free. They passed book shops, music stores, restaurants and cinemas. There was not a slight hint of a place that looked as if it could sell a magic wand. This was an ordinary city full of ordinary people. Were there shops that sold spell books and magic wands? He doubted his Grandfather or Eliot would lie to him; Grandfather never joked about anything, he was the most serious person Alexander knew.

'This is the place, Albert,' Grandfather addressed the driver. 'Just drop us off here.'

'Right you are, sir.'

The car came to a halt at the side of the road, and they both got out. Alexander glimpsed at his surroundings, confused.

Grandfather lay a hand on Alexander's shoulder and pointed with his finger. 'There it is. The Leaky Cauldron.'

If Grandfather had not pointed the place out, Alexander would not have noticed. In front was a small, grubby pub. It didn't look like the type of place Grandfather visited, not like the expensive pubs. The people on the pavement hurrying by did not look at it – the pub was invisible to them. Their eyes slid from Waterstones, the book shop, on one side, to the record shop on the other, as if they could not see the Leaky Cauldron at all. Perhaps they could not. Maybe he and Grandfather were the only people here who could see it.

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