I 16 I Year's End

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Madam Pomfrey permitted him out of the Hospital Wing a couple of hours later, during the evening. Harry was still unconscious and Alexander didn't know when he was going to wake up. He was fed up with being surrounded by white walls and inhaling the sterile scent that usually lingers in hospitals. He ached to see his friends again and to know what happened to them. Of course, the matron still wasn't satisfied that Alexander had a good amount of rest but, after much begging on his part, she was a tad convinced that he felt good enough to leave.

'Now, remember, Laurent,' warned Madam Pomfrey, as they stood in front of the entrance door to the Wing, 'if you feel any worse, I want you to immediately come back, do I make myself clear?'

Alexander nodded, trying to suppress his eagerness to be out of there. 'Yes, Madam Pomfrey.'

'Good, you may go now.' She opened the door and Alexander left.

It was evening which meant Ron and Hermione would be in the common room. He wondered if Ron was okay and whether they got out safely. The sight of the Fat Lady's portrait appeared as he rounded the corner. He took a deep breath, nerves flapping in his stomach, and said the password. The portrait swung open and he stepped into the hole, steeling himself for what he would find.

When he entered, it seemed as if most of the Gryffindors were sitting in the common room, enjoying their last moments before the end of the year. An immediate hush took over and the crowd turned to gape at him, some wide-eyed, others gawking in wonderment. Then fierce mutters broke out. He swallowed, scanning the room desperately for any sight of a familiar face. He sighed in relief as Ron and Hermione pushed their way towards him.

'Alex!' cried Hermione, running her anxious eyes over his form as if to check for injuries, 'they didn't tell us you were coming out of the Hospital Wing today.'

'Yeah, well, I told Madam Pomfrey that I felt better and she let me go.'

Ron smiled, 'It's good to see you again, mate.' He frowned at the eyes that were unmistakably eavesdropping on them, though they were trying to make it seem like they weren't. 'Come on,' motioned Ron, 'let's go someplace where no one will hear us.'

'No,' said Alexander, shaking his head. 'We have to wait until Harry wakes up. He needs to be there.'

'What?' shot Ron incredulously, 'we don't even know when Harry's going to wake up.'

'I know, but we're still going to have to wait.' Ron didn't look happy but acquiesced.

'Are you sure, you're okay, Alex?' pressed Hermione, rather worriedly. 'They told us it was really bad. Dumbledore had to lift you all the way to the Hospital Wing. They wouldn't even let us see you and Harry.'

'I'm fine now,' he soothed, 'Dumbledore came just in time.' A thought befell him and in a quiet tone he inquired, 'So, uh, what happened with Neville?'

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