Chapter 1

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I bolt awake as my head bangs against the wall. I rub my eyes and try to make something out in this darkness. There seems to be four metal walls encasing me, and they creak as the box speeds upwards. My breathing quickens and I can feel my heart beating through my chest, from the fear of this small space. I stand up shakily and put my hand against the cool metal wall to steady myself.There is no light anywhere, but I can see various flashes outside of the box in the darkness. "Hello?" I croak, my voice scratchy from sleeping. No one responds. "Hello?" I ask a little more loudly. I bang my fists on the wall. "Get me out, get me out!" I scream, anger and nervousness building up inside of me. I punch the wall and wince as the grooves in the metal imprint my skin. Where am I?

I try to think of what happened before
but my mind is blank. The force of the speeding box pushes me down and I stumble to to the ground. My skin is slick with sweat and I'm shaking. I try to collect some thoughts- thoughts that are no longer there. The box creaks and shudders like an old car. What's my name? Where's my family? What is this? I pinch myself, not because this is a dream, but because it surely must be a nightmare.

My head bangs against the wall as the car jolts to a stop. I wince and gingerly rub it. There is a bang and I hear voices outside. Voices? Somebody's out there! They have to know what happened, right? I hear the grinding noise of metal on metal as the roof of the box opens up. Bright, harsh sunlight fills the box.I wince and cover my eyes.

"What do they look like?" "Runner material?" "I bet you she can't even cook!" The chattering voices stream from outside. I lift my hand off my face and look up to see a hand outstretched in front of me. I grab it cautiously, and I am pulled up to a patch of dirt. I look to the the owner of the hand, a dark skinned girl with brown hair almost cut to her scalp. Beside her is a pale girl that looks like she has never been in the sun, with reddish blonde hair flowing down her back. The blonde one smirks "Welcome to the Glade, blondie."

Glade? Blondie? I finger my hair, which turns out to be dark brown. I'm not even blonde! "Sorry, but you might need to have your eyes checked. I'm not blonde." I say sweetly to the pale girl. She scowls as the dark skinned girl howls in laughter. "Stuff it, you stick Harriet." She stops laughing and stares at me, her intense black eyes boring through mine. "What's your name, Blondie?"asks the girl.I am about to answer but my mind is blank.What is my name? "It's okay, just try to remember." the blonde one says. A name floats through my mind and I blurt it out.

"Rachel." I smile. "My name is Rachel." I feel whispers around me as the group of about fourth girls around me start talking. "Well Rachel, welcome to the Glade. I'm Sonya. I'll show you around" says the blonde one, waving her hand. I walk towards her, and the group of girls part in the middle, letting me pass.

I look around the wide, open field of grass to find several building a forest, and- "whoa, what's that?"I gasp, pointing to the huge looming stone walls, encasing the meadow into a box. Green ivy creeps up the wall like a snake. Sonya's face turns grim. "That's the Maze. Rule number one- never go in. Got that, blondie?" I nod, even though the darkness of the maze looks thrilling and unexplored. She points to a dark part of the forest, near the corner. "That's the Deadheads, the cementary." I shiver. "Over there are the Gardens, where we grow our food, and the Bloodhouse, the slaughter house." I scan the area, my eyes occasionally flitting back to the the Maze. We continue walking until we stop at a large building made of assorted wood planks. "And here's the Homestead." Sonya smiles. "This is where we all live and sleep."

A short, chubby girl walks up to us shyly. "Hi there." she squeaks. I smile. "Hey. Rachel, meet Hannah. Hannah, Rachel. Hannah was the blondie before you came, so you'll be bunking with her and she will answer any of your questions." Sonya smirks. Hannah's chubby face slightly scowls when she hears Sonya call her blondie, but then she turns to me and grins. "C'mon. I'll show you around." she says, dimples popping out of her cheeks. I follow her into the Homestead, ready to see my new home.

⭐Picture Review⭐
At the end of the chapter, I'll just tell you what the picture was. This one is the actress who is going to play Sonya in the movie. Google her, people!

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