Chapter 4

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"Just start already." I mumble. Lina shoots me a look. "Kay ya sticks, lets start already! We don't have the whole bloody day!" yells Harriet over the chatter of girls. They stop talking.

"So, we just got a new Blondie, and we need to find her a job. Whadya say?" She asks, hopping onto a table and sitting down. "She looks like a Slopper or a Gardener. Too fragile for anything else," pipes up a muscular blonde girl. I glare at her. She raises her thick and extremely high eyebrows at me.

"No. I want to be a Runner." They all shake with laughter, some slapping their knees. Anger bubbles up inside of me and I yell. "Stop it! Stop laughing, I'm a runner and that's that!" I growl. "No, Blondie. Stop being such a pile of klank. You can't boss us around, and for that, you can't be a Runner. Choose something else" Sonya barks at me. I suddenly become very internested in the dust flying in the sunny patch of the room.

I cross my arms and huff. "Medjack then." I grumble. If I'm a Medjack, I might be able to find out about Greivers. "Carrie?" Sonya asks, checking her nails. The petite girl that was carrying Britney stands up and brushes her pants off and looks me up an down.

"Can you fix a sling? Carry a person? Make a stretcher? Fix a wound?" She quizzes, pointing her finger at me. "Yup. Even if I can't, I'll learn."

"Fine. Since Anna and Lana are gone, we need some extra help." She stuffs her hands into her pockets and glances at Sonya and Harriet.

"Good that. We're done then. Get back to work, Keepers!" Says Harriet, her dark eyes staring me down. "Rachel, you start tomorrow." She says, strutting out of the room. I stand there stunned. She finally said my name.

Someone pushes past me and almost knocks me over. "Watch it!" I hiss, staring into the girls eyes. It is the same girl that said I was too weak to be a Runner. She raises her eyebrows again. Those things are huge!

"Is the wittle Blondie sad that she didn't get to be a runner?" She smirks, fake sadness and sarcasm dripping into her voice.

"Shut up. At least the wittle Blondie has nice eyebrows and doesn't look like she had Botox." I fire back, crossing my arms. The few girls left in the hut smirk at each other. Eyebrows Girl growls.

"Shut it ya, pile of klank." She storms off with her fists clenched at her sides. I smirk, satisfied.

"That took guts standing up to Beth like that." I whirl around, to find Carrie staring at me. "Thanks." I grin sheepishly, running a hand through my hair.

"Carrie." She sticks out her hand. I shake it firmly. "Rachel. But you probably knew that." I smile. "So, if you're a Medjack now, you're going to need to know a few things." She says as we walk out of the hit into the bright sunshine, the dirt crunching under our feet. She babbles on about some sort of medicine and sling, but my mind wanders to the Greivers. If I can somehow get stung, I can get my memories back. It's a huge risk, but I'm willing to take it. I feel like there's a huge block in my head just holding back my memories, like a dam with flowing water. Suddenly a voice brings me back to reality.

"Have you seen Lina and Harriet yet?" Hannah asks, waving her hand in my face. "Oh hi Hannah. No, I haven't. Why?"
I reply, shaking my head. "Oh no. They went to go check out the dead Griever in the maze that was seen there earlier, but they haven't come back yet." She replies worriedly. I glance up to the buttery sun, slowly falling and the moon rising. There's still light, but the doors will probably close soon. Last night, I nearly jumped out of my bed when I heard the gates close. It was a huge grinding sound, like a muffled roar.

"Look it's them!" Someone yells, standing near the doors. We run up to the opening. Two figures are limping towards the opening. As they get closer, I see their faces, and can make out Harriet slumped against Lina. A huge grinding noise fills the air, and the doors start to close.

"Hurry up! Move!" Yell the girls surrounding us. Lina moved faster, but it's looks very hard, considering she has a girl leaning on her. The doors keep closing, with no intention to stop. They are way too far to ever make it. I look around then take a deep breath and run.

"Rachel no!" Hannah yells, waving her arms. I ignore her and pump into the maze, my dark hair flowing behind me, and the doors closing in on me. I narrow my shoulders and give my one last pump of adrenaline and shoot off into the Maze. The doors close with a thud. I see Lina staring at me with a disgusted look on her face.

"What'd you do that for Blondie?! You're the dumbest like of klank I ever met!" Her arms flailing and nostrils flaring. I shrug. "I'm in the Maze now. Nothing we can do but wait it out." Lina shakes her head and flops down onto the dirt, placing an unconscious Harriet beside her. She stares at me, her coal black eyes boring into mine. "Welcome to a night of hell, Blondie."

⭐Picture Review⭐
This is a model a found that I like better as Rachel than the other one, and her name is Tori McKim, which I found funny 'cause two of my best friends are named Tori and Kim. She's also the model in my other story that I'm writing with smarties_101, called The Invasion of Group B. It's Maze Runner too. Be sure to check it out!😊 (👀❤📚)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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