Sixteen - The Same Page

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One year later...

Flora and Blanc kept in touch, as promised, and so, when the book was finally finished and published, Flora was sure to let him know. 

Blood Like Wine Publishing proudly presents, another thrilling Harlan Thrombey mystery :

'A World Away'

A heart-pounding case that will take you across the world and back. 

By Harlan Thrombey and Florence Drysdale.

Dedicated to and in loving memory of Harlan Thrombey

"Yes, Harlan was my grandfather," Flora told one woman who was in line buying her copy of the book.  Flora's hand was starting to cramp up from signing so many copies. Clearly, Harlan hadn't lost his fan base.  "He left me in charge of his unfinished works, so it's very exciting to see this one come together." Now she was honouring him with a posthumous release of his incomplete last work. 

"Well I'm very excited," said the woman.  "I'm a huge fan, and was so sad to hear that he had died. So thank you for helping keep his legacy alive."

"Of course, it's my pleasure. And thank you for being such a dedicated fan."

"Oh, of course! I love a good mystery! Will there be more books?"

"That's the hope. Granddad was always getting more new ideas and was always writing them down."

"Oh that's excellent - I cant wait!"

 Flora finished her signature on the book's front page and with another heartfelt 'thank you' she sent the woman on her way with her new book.

"How many copies have we sold?" she asked Marta, the new head of Blood Like Wine Publishing. They had had a constant line and stream of people since the book shop had opened that morning. 

"One hundred and fifty!"

"No way! No wonder my hand is starting to hurt from signing them all."

"Harlan would be so proud."

"Yeah, I think he would be." 

"Oh, better get back to your signing..." Marta nodded towards the line forming before Flora, wearing a grin.

Flora turned back to the line and smiled when she saw what Marta meant. "Benoit Blanc."


She loved the fact that he always addressed her by her full name, not minding at all that he didn't use her nickname. "You came, I'm so glad."

"Well of course, I couldn't miss this shining and important moment.  Plus, I do love a good mystery."

She chucked.  "Don't I know it. Well I hope you'll enjoy this one."

"Oh I'm sure I will."

"Hope you haven't been waiting too long."

"Not at all. And besides, this is worth it," he assured her  with a warm smile. 

"Hey! Can you hurry up, we've been waiting a long time for this!" the next person in line cried. 

"Yes, sorry!" Flora called back before turning to Blanc again.  "Duty calls." 

"Of course.  And I was wondering if I could get you a coffee after this?"

"I'd really enjoy that, yeah. I'm going to need one after this.  And bring your book."

"Will do."


"Oh, you're too sweet." When Flora arrived at the coffee shop, she found Blanc standing there, book tucked under one arm, and a bouquet of flowers under the other.

"To say, congratulations." 

"Well thank you, that's so thoughtful." She kissed his cheek at the sweet gesture. "Now I know what you got up to while I was signing several more copies of the book."

After the successful book launch, Flora helped Marta and Alice load up the few remaining copies into Marta's car so they could be taken back to the house. Once everything was all wrapped up at the bookshop, she  went to go meet Blanc as promised.

"It was a successful endeavor, I hope," he said as they entered the coffee shop.

"It certainly was!"

"It definitely looked like it was."

"My hand is shaking, look!" She held up her hand, which had signed at least two-hundred books that day. "But don't worry, I have enough strength left in me to sign one more." She winked. 

They got their coffees and chose a booth by the window where Flora withdrew her pen and Blanc handed her his copy of the book.   

To Benoit Blanc,

'The Last of the Gentleman Sleuths.' Not my words, but this I can confirm. I used to think it was silly, but now I know it couldn't be more true.

She paused, looking up and seeing that Blanc was leaning across the table to peer at what she was writing. 

"Hey! No peeking, you!" She laughed and moved the book out of his view.  "Not yet!" He chuckled and sat back in the booth, letting her continue. 

Thank you for all you've done. Without you,  this book would not have been possible. I wouldn't be here without you - literally. 


Florence Drysdale

"Alright, now you can look." Grinning, she slid the book back across the table towards him. 

She watched his smile stretch wider as he read what she had written to him.  "Well now, that's very nice, thank you."

"Thank you. It's true, we wouldn't be here without you. None of us."

"Well, I cannot take all the credit." 

"Maybe not, but you can take most of it. I insist."

This made him chuckle.  "Very well then, I will."


"Harlan would be very proud."

"Thanks. Yeah, I think he would." Then she asked, "Can I be honest?"

"Of course."

"I like spending time together a lot more outside of a crime scene setting."

He laughed.  "As do I - Ms. Drysdale." He winked. 

"And I'd like to continue it. Like we're doing now." She reached across the table and took his hand.

He lay his other hand on top of hers.  "As would I."

"Well then I'm glad we're on the same page."

He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it.  "As am I, Florence. As am I."

(And there we are,  the end! We've reached the end, all of us.  

I loved this movie so I was so excited to write a story for it - I also hear there could be a sequel with Blanc, which would be awesome! 

Thank you so much for reading and sticking with me, and, as always, I hope you enjoyed this story! :))

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