17. Attack on Tonid

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It was a brang new day. Over in Vopan Remy ahd his date with Emile and the King and QUeen interupted it. They had barged into the resterant asking for Roman's location, Remy explained how  he didn't know. However they didn't believe him.

Now after a long time Remy told them, but only because they threatened to hurt Emile. SO now there was a plan of attck on Tonid.


"VIRGIL!" Janus said as he barged into his sons room that morning. Virgil stirred and got up. "W-what is it?"
"Vopan has send us a message of war, they have boats heading over." Virgils eyes widened.
"SHIT." He ran past Janus to Roman's room. 

He passed down the halls, hitting his side as he slid against the wall when he turned the corner. But he finaly reached Roman room, not even caring about ho hard he hit the stone wall of the castles inside. "RO! You parents are coming! They have sent an offical war notice, they are attacking." Virgil said sprinting in to his room. Roman looked at him in shock. "What!"

They both rushed to the city walls, and Vopan wasn't lying, there was Vopen battle ships heading to the sea border. Tonid ships got read to attack and defend.  "Why are they coming over?" Roman asked frantically, his voice filled with fear and unsurity.
"I don't know, either they finally decided to attack or they figured out your location, somehow." Virgil said watching the ships closing in on the sea border. Virgil began bitting his nails, one of his many his anxious habbit. "Remy." Roman uttered "He was the only one who'd know where I am, well the only one who is over there. He might of slipped up or something." Roman revealed the information to Virgil. Virgil truned to Roman unsure of what to say.

"How can we stop them?" Virgil asked himself as he began passing around. The two of them stood on the walls between two guard houses, people were running arlund them to get to their posts and quick meeting. The walls were in comeplet chaos whilst the Kingdom was completely unaware of what's going on.

"What if he brought back Remus, maybe we could talk to him or actually do some investiating, which we should have been doing instead of everthing else." Virgil said trying to brain storm, but all he could think of is doing the one thing they'd planned to do but had been putting off.

"I would but Remus told me I find out tomorrow." Roman said. they couldn't wait for tomorrow. Virgil had to think he felt his heart rate fasten as Vopan got closer and closer. "What exactly did Remus say to you, I need to know everything. There might be something key, something we need to know."

Roman could feel the fear in Virgil's voice, seeing the way his eyes wear diluted by fear and worry. They changed, almost appearing darker, like he was being completely consumed by fear and anxiety. "He told me I'd find out in three day, which is tomorrow. He also knows hwo killed him. Ummm, he um, he also said that he and I think it was 50 other people wh had these unexplainable weird and mystic deaths. He was the last one to die that way to he has been grated an opptiunity to live.And that his murderer doesn't even know that they murdered him. Which doesn't make any sense, how doesn't someone know if they killed someone? I mean unless they lost their memeories or soemthing." Roman expalined, his voice was quick and all of it was spilled out rapidly.

Virgil stared at him. "I have to find my dad." Virgil said and instantly rushing to the stairs to leave the wall. Romans stood their in confusion, what was he missing? There was soemthing Virgil now which he didn't. He couldn't figure out whata, but he came uo with theories, like they know someone with memory issues or amnesia, like Clive Wearing, or if there was a singular day inwhich the King Janus couldn't remember. He pondered on it all as he watched the speck that was Virgil sprint towards the castle grounds.


"Virgil?" Janus asked as he noticed Virgil runnign doiwn the halls. Janus had walked out of a meeting. "Where were you, I was going to ask you to ccome to the meeting." Virgil stopped and caughted his breath. Janus looked at his son questionign on hwta he needed to say. He could tell there was some sort of worse news that was coming. He questioned if the ships were already at the walls somehow.

"I killed Remus didn't I?" Virgil asked staring up at Janus. Janus stared at him, a look of shame and guilt.


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