29. Dead

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That night Roman slept over in Tonid, whilest Remus went to find Logan and Patton, afterall Logan use to be his beat friend before he died and he wanted to annoy them as usual.

But, on other thing happened that night.

Remus was infromed by guards the following morning of the event. He was to be King because The King and Queen had offed themselves.

Remus called over Roman. He offer the postion to Roman. Roman accepted, knowing, one who dangerous it would be for Remus to be King, but, two, how much Remus didn't want the position. But as this happened, the ground shook like it had when they were in the Peace Land.

The both of them ran to the windows to see what had happened.In the distance there was a horrific explotion.
There was a mass investiagtion, in the end they founf it was a reacton to a button which was pressed when the door was opened that morning when the bodies where found. There was a long delay due to the distance, but that set off an explotion, that exploded the Peace Land, it was forever gone. (Just like L'manburg) It was never meant to be. (Too soon?)


The twins decided the corination would lift the spirtis of everyone. a huge celebration on a new era.

At the Casle gates arrived a assive group of citizens, begging for a meeting with Roman, the heir. In the end Remus became curious and allowed it.

It turns out they wwere a team of rebels who had a plan to storm the Catsle in hope for a new ear, a era of peace, hope and stabilty in the Kingdom, for once. \however, they never got to complete thar before the death of the past monarch, and have deicsted their cause to assissting Roman. "Why woul,d you help me?" Roman queerered.
"Well, because.......It's ME!" Said the leader of the group, they revealed their face and took a sip out of a coffee which Roman swears appeared out of thin air.
"Remy? I kinda wish the aurthor didn't forget that they started up a subplot on the rebelion when Parker and Virgil came over to Vopan that time, but enevr fully devceopled it so nobody even remembers or even relises that that subplot was started. It was so underdevopled. Just so I could have seen your team and your caffine loving-self to rebel, it would ahve been so chaostic and awesome."

"Ha, same. Anyways, I've got some coffee to drink, so don't disappoint me! Also got get the purpke Prince!" Remy smirked.


Virgil came over for the corrination. He loved it, he thought Roman looked incredibly handsome. At the end of it Roman came to Virgil side, giving him a peak on the cheak, well. He tried too, but Virgil didn' tknow he was there, and his head turned. Roman hit Virgil's lip.

Virgil jumped up in fear, he checked over Roman. He kept freaking out and tried to quickly find the cure, but Roman was fine. He grabbed Virgil hand, trying to calm him down. By now Roman would be in the floor in pain, but he felt stronger then ever. Power of love.

Roman kissed Virgil again, it was


Virgil couldn't believe that Roman was fine, he figured there was some expetion when Virgil has already poisioned them and loved them. AKA, Roman.

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