Chapter 1.

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A/n: In this story Voldemort didn't make any horcruxes so when Harry killed him the first he died for ever, also bellatrix is good friends w/ the Potters in this Story. This story also has mentions of abuse, it won't be too gory tho, if you don't like that you don't have to read it.

Harry Potter was exited. He and another Griffindor had gotten pretty close during the school year, and he was taking him to meet his parents. "Harry slow down" Alex said with a laugh.
"Sorry Alex, I'm just really exited...." Harry said sheepishly, with a hint of nervousness.

Alex was from a pure-blood family, much like the Malfoys. Except they didn't care about your blood status. Or so Harry thought.

Alex was apart of the Prince family. The Princes and Potters, for as long as Harry could remember, friendly with each other. Harry had briefly met the Princes once before at a party his parents had threw. The Princes were one of the most pure-blood family's out there( due to inbreeding), they were obsessed with keeping up their image, 'much like the Malfoys', Harry thought again. Alex was a year older than Harry, so he really didn't get to spend much time with him, except for during breaks. It's true Harry was exited for his parents to formally meet Alex, but he was also super nervous. The more Harry got to know Alex the more violent he seems to be.

Harry and Alex had started dating during Christmas break, they were at Hogsmeade on a date, tho Harry refused to think of it like that. Until Alex had bought him flowers and chocolates. It was quite romantic when Harry looked back at it. But something was off about Alex.

Alex was starting to get pretty possessive by January, he would always ask Harry were he was going. Although this may look like Alex was looking out for him, it went way deeper than that. Whenever he did not approve of what Harry was doing/going, he would take him away, or not let him go at all. It started to get annoying to Harry. Then....

Alex started to get violent.

The fist time he hit Harry was in March. It was a Hogsmeade weekend and Harry wanted to go with his friends,seeing as Alex had taken him every other time. They had gotten into an argument and Alex ended up slapping Harry, hard. Although once he relished what he had done Alex started to apologize over and over, making Harry think it was an accident. But after it would happen again and again. Harry, of course, didn't tell anybody about the abuse, let alone that he was dating Alex. You see most people in Gryffindor didn't like Alex, he had a reputation to get violent when he didn't get his way. Ron and Hermione were just 2 people that didn't trust Alex. He seemed off to them. Of course they couldn't do anything though, they didn't want to hurt Harry( they had found out they were dating on they're own) . Most people had a soft spot for the Gryffindor.

"Mum, Dad, Padfoot!"
"Hey cub"
"Hey sweetie"
"What's up pronglet"
"I want you to meet somebody"
"This is Alex! My boyfriend!"
As soon as Harry said that a look of pure shock crossed the 3 adults faces. If you looked close enough you could see anger flash through James's eyes.
"He... your.... what?!"
James, of course, had no problem with the Prince elders, he, however, had a problem with their son. From what he heard, he was a self centred prat, who had severe anger issues, and had a reputation of scaring people when he was angry. Of course, naturally, James didn't want this for his son. 
"Dad...calm down"
"You...he...why didn't you write to us?!"
"Because I wanted to tell you in person!"
"You could have at least told us you had a boyfriend first!"
"James calm down!" Lily said sternly, she didn't like the idea of Harry dating Alex but she would put up with it.
"You should be happy Harry found someone! Not mad!"
"Your right.... sorry Harry, Alex."
"It's alright, Dad"
"It ok, sir"
"None of that 'sir' shit, call me James" James said reluctantly, mostly because Lily was giving him a pointed look, but we don't talk about that.
"Ok si-James"
"Now are your parents here?"
"Ah... no I usually floo home"
"Oh well then we won't keep you, see you later"
"Ya... see ya"
Harry watched as Alex walked away, some of the anxiety he was holding onto during this whole thing leaving his system.
"You ready to go pup?"
And with a pop the party of four disappeared.

Published: 4:06 pm, Jan 2
805 words

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