Chapter 4

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"James! Don't be rude!"
"Sorry, Lily. It's a pleasure to meet you both too. Is that better Lily?"

Instead of an answer, James got a, not so light, back-hand slap up-side the head.

"Ow! What was that for you lunatic?!" This only made the situation worse for James, as he received another slap from Lily, the Prince family watching the encounter with amusement.
"Hem hem". What Harry assumed was Anastasia Prince (cause you know, he can't tell the difference of genders) said (?). This, Harry remarked, sounded a lot like the toad that worked in the ministry with his Dad. If he remembered correctly, which he probably did, her name was Delores Umbridge, though behind closed doors, most people called her Umbitch instead. Which Harry completely understood, with what happened when he was barely 15 months old, the ministry had always hosted a yearly party (probably out of celebration), and, like the Potters suspected, they were always invited. Umbitch always seemed present at these events, and always approached the Potters. The few times Harry had met the old-lady-who-resembled-a-toad, he had come to not like she very much, with her forceful ways, and hate towards 'half-breeds', as she liked to call them, and not to mention the clear obsession she had with the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, made her easy not to like.

"Sorry, James is just being a prat"
"It's totally ok"
"Anyway, what did you want to talk about? Also would you like some tea?"
"Straight to the point I see. Also yea sounds lovely, thank you."
"James go get tea"
"Sirius go get tea"
"Remus go get tea"
"Harry go get tea"
"Hey! That's not fair! You guys suck"

As Harry left he swore he head Mr.Prince tell Alex to accompany him. Harry was right. A mere 10 seconds later Alex entered the kitchen via the living room arch. He could hear Alex's heavy foot-falls coming towards him. He felt felt mildly cold hands slither themselves around his petite waist. He could feel Alex's hot breath against the back of his neck. He felt a chin rest itself on-top of his head. This made Harry slightly un-comfortable.
"Hey, love" Alex whispered, what he must have thought would have been seductively, in his ear. This sent an not-so-pleasing shiver down his spine. That Alex apparently felt.
"Do you like that, love?" Alex whispered again. Oh ho, Alex must have thought the shiver was out of pleasure, rookie mistake.
"Aww, that's adorable, love"
"Ok.... Now get off. I have to make tea, or have you already forgotten?"
"Feisty,and no, I have not forgotten, your just to handsome to resist" Alex said, dropping the whisper he had originally started with. He then placed a kiss on the center of Harry's neck, as he had moved his head to, instead, rest itself upon Harry's shoulder. Harry felt Alex's hands retract themselves from his waist. Harry was quite happy to fell them go, as he had gotten more and more un-comfortable by each second that passed. 'Maybe I don't like him as much as I thought' Harry thought to himself.

Harry had always felt an attraction towards boys, and had come out as gay to Hogwarts in his second year. He just didn't like the idea of doing anything remotely romantic with a girl, no matter how attractive she might be. He had liked Alex sense the middle of first year, when Alex had helped him with a piece of History of Magic homework. You can't blame him though, Alex was so attractive that he could turn even the straightest of boys gay. Alex had mid-neck length dirty-blond hair, chocolate brown eyes, and the sharpest jawline Harry had ever seen in a bloke... 'That's not true.' Harry thought. Harry had seen one of the same sharpness, if not even sharper, than Alex's, it belonged to none other than Draco Malloy himself. Harry hated to admit that he found Draco attractive, most people did, but Harry and Draco were a different story, they had been Hogwarts biggest rivals sense day 1, some of the teachers even compared their rival to the rival between Snape and the Marauders, who, of course, had stopped the pettish rival in sixth year, after James and Lily had gotten together, along with Severus and Regulus, and Remus and Sirius. They had become great friends, and still kept in contact with each other after Hogwarts, Harry even saw Severus and Regulus (yes I'm making him alive in this) around the house. The friendship the 6 shared had repaired the relationship between Sirius and Regulus, who was a year younger than Sirius and his friends.

Harry was snapped out of his thought by a rough tap/shove on the shoulder by his supposed boyfriend.
"Tea, love"
"Right... Sorry". But Harry wasn't sorry had all

————[]time skip[]————

Harry was sitting in the living room staring out to space. It had been an... eventful afternoon.. The Princes had stayed for nearly 2 hours, and then had implied that they would come early on Harry's birthday to take him to Ireland. When this 'request' was turned down, the princes then said they would stay for the celebrations. The Potters had tried to say no, as it was planes to be a family thing, meaning only James, Lily, Remus, Sirius, Severus, and Regulus. His family had been pissed when the Princes had assured them that they were coming anyway. Of course, this might not seem like the biggest of problems to most people, but if Ron and Hermione, his best mates, weren't coming, then why should complete strangers, because Harry dating Alex did not automatically mean the Prince family were part of the Potter family.


"Anyway, I think we have overstayed our welcome, don't you think Elijah?"
"Not it's.. it's fine..!" Lily said with some difficulty. She really wasn't fond of the Princes anymore. She didn't like how they had acted in her house, with Alex's very obnoxious chewing, making a mess of her carpet, or the fact that Alex wouldn't let Harry sit beside anyone else than himself, there was also the fact that she was tired, the Prince family kept on making chirps about blood purity, and how they think that mud-bloods shouldn't be apart of their society, obviously they didn't know that Lily was muggle born. Every time one of these comments were made she could see her family (James, Harry, Sirius, and Remus) viably stiffen, just one sign that they were getting pissed.
"No we really must be going, we still have much to do". Anastasia must have thought that Lily was saying they didn't have to leave, this amused Lily, nothing in what she had said encouraged that thought.
"But don't worry, we'll be here early Saturday, to say hi, maybe have some tea, and take Harry to Ireland."
"Um, not to sound roof or anything, but are you implying that I will not be spending my birthday with my family? 'Cause if that really is what you thought, the you are terribly mistaken, no silly trip, no offence, will make me not spend my birthday with those closest to me. I will be spending the day here, and, under no circumstances, will I be leaving earlier than planned, and if you don't like this, then I'm afraid I can no longer accompany you on your trip." Harry said. No stupid trip would stop him spending his birthday with his family, and if this caused him to loose the invitation, than so be it. It's his birthday and he will decide what he wants to do.
"I- Yes that's understandable, we'll just stay for the celebration then?"
"Um, well it was supposed to be a family thing, meaning I just wanted family to attend, so no I don-"
"Great! We'll see you the !" Mrs.Prince interrupted.

And with that, the Princes heaved themselves off their seats, grabbed a handful of floo-powder each, and without even saying 'thanks for the tea!' or 'Have a nice day!" Left. The Potters and the Lupins (Remus and Sirius) sitting there, either angry or completely gobsmacked.
"Please remind me to never welcome them into this threshold ever again!" James said quite angrily.
"I will do so, if you remind me to never invite them over". Lily and Harry responded together.

-End of flashback-

Even 4 hours after the Princes had left, there was still anger in the air about the 'little' visit. Harry wondered how next Saturday, his birthday, would go over. Especially with Severus and Regulus, two of the most hot-headed people Harry had ever met. Harry was brought out of his thoughts by the angelic voice of his mother.
"Would you like some ice cream, sweetie?"
"Yes please,mum, thank you"
"No problem, dear"
"Yes, Harry?"
"Sorry for how it turned out earlier. If I would have know that the Princes were that big of pure-blood, muggle-born hating bastards, I wouldn't have agreed to them coming over."
"It's not that big of a deal, Harry. Also, sweetie?"
"Yes, mum?"
"Don't let them hear you talk about them like that." Lily said retreating through the living room arch to get his ice cream.
"Ok, mum" Harry responded with a chuckle.

Published Jan 25th,2021
1568 words

Sup mah dudes. Sorry, I would have posted this yesterday, but you know things happen... totally didn't stay up until like... 3:30 am finishing this.... nope didn't happen. Don't blame me, my sleep schedule is absolute shit. Anyway, y'all are lucky, I'm sneaking on my phone, at school, to publish this.
Adios amigos

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