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I changed the name and description of my book, cause why not. Just thought I'd tell y'all just in case you've added this to your library and get a notification that I have updated this and you don't recognize the tittle or some shit. Also imma try and chill on all the a/n, cause it's siriusly getting out of hand

Ok. Ok.. So um I'm still tryna figure out who to ship our boy Ron w/, and obviously it has to be a boy, so I need y'all's opinion on sm. Vicktor and Ron, and I swear if you don't know who Vicktor is just by his first name, GET OUTTA HERE. Anyway, it's kinda weird, I'm just stumped, cause you know, can't ship him w/ Blaise cause he's w/ Neville-
Unless, hear me out for a sec, what about a threesome? No? Ok. Just, if you could, let me know your ideas on Krum x Ron. Or else I'm going through w/ it, cause I've gone brain dead on who to ship him w/, also I swear I'm working on the forth chapter.
Adios amigos

He just needs a little help (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now