I love him

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Dean's POV

I miss my best friend. He is an angel. We have known each other since we where 7. He stoped coming to where we meat 1 month ago. Maybe he doesn't like me anymore. I thought that we would be together forever. I miss him so much. I don't like how I can't just go over there and see him. It hurts to hide our relationship.

I walked out of my room to the living room. "It will probably work" one of dad's coworker said. "What will work?" I said. I was queries. "We caught one of the sons of Chuck. We are gonna use him to get them to know not to get near us" he said. "Which son?" I asked. I hope so bad it's not cas. But I don't want it to be any of them. "castiel" he said. My heart sinked. No.. after that I went to my room. I am not letting this happen. I am gonna try to get him out. I will do anything for him.

At 2 am I went out of my room. I got on fully black clothes and a black mask. I walked quiet down to the basement. I opened the door. My heart sink. Cas was hand cuffed with his arms up. He was blindfolded and had one in his mouth too. He had dried blood on his head. I locked the door behind me. I walked towards him. I tried to brake or open the hand cuffs. I got them off, his arms fell down. I touched the blindfold to get it off. He jumped. He was scared."it's okay babe. I am gonna make sure you come home safe" I said. I took of his blindfold and the one in his mouth. I got up and helped him up.

"Follow me" I said. We got out and walked quite out. We started to get near the ditch. Suddenly we could hear the alarm. The alarm is a sign that they found out that he is gone. "come" I said and tried to walk faster. We walked fast out in the open. I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I got shot in the leg with an arrow. Cas turned to me. "run" I said. "n-no I-I c-can't l-leave you" Cas said. "pls run" I said. "i..-" Cas said "pls I want you safe" I said. Cas looked at me sad. He started to cry. He ran like I said. I felt a sharp pain in the chest. It was hard to breathe. I felt another sharp pain in the stomach. I fell down. It hurt. It was hard to breathe. It was worth it. I would have still done it if I knew. I love him.

Cas's POV

I ran to the other side. I turned around and I felt the hold world brake down. Dean was laying on the ground. I felt my knees become weak. The tears streamed down my face. It hurt. I fell down on my knees. I barely got up. I don't want to live without him. I love him. I walked towards him. I fell down on my knees on his side.

suddenly I saw him open his eyes barely. He..he is still alive. "D-Dean" I said. He was barely breathing. "G-go" Dean said barely. "No, I..I cant do that..I love you" I said. Dean smiled he tried to say something but he started to cough. Blood came out. His breathing tensed. "I know you love me too" I said sad. I took his hand and held his hand. Suddenly Gabriel came running towards us. "Cas come" he said. "No I am not leaving him." I said.

Gabriel looked at me. "Fine" he said. I was confused what he meant. "This is gonna hurt a little" Gabriel said. He broke the arrows down to his skin. "turn him around" Gabriel said. Dean ground in pain. He didn't have mask on anymore. Gabriel took the rest of the arrows out. He healed him. "Now we go" gabe said. I helped dean up. We ran as fast as we could. Dean was leaning on me. Gabriel healed him just enough so he would be okay. He didn't wanna use more time then needed. We walked to the camp. We don't have real houses.

"What is he doing here?!" Michal asked angry. "He got Cas out" Gabriel said. "He saved my life" I said. I just kept going with him to the tent I sleep in. I helped him sit down. Gabriel came in "You can heal him now" Gabriel said. I nodded, he left after that. I went in front of Dean. I put my hand over the wounds and healed him. Dean took his hand on mine. I looked at him. I was still healing him. My eyes where glowing. "Your eyes are beautiful then they glow" Dean said. I smiled. Then I was done I helped him take off his t-shirt. "You can wear my t-shirt" I said. I cleaned his body for the blood. I put the t-shirt on him. "Can I have your trench coat?" Dean asked. "Why?" I asked confused. "I want to wear it" Dean said. "aww, of course Dean" I said and smiled. He is so sweet and cute. I took it off and gave it to him. "thank you" Dean said. He put it on. He was so cute with it on. "You look beautiful" I said. Dean smiled at me. "I love you" Dean said. "I love you too" I said.

John's POV

No..it's Dean. "Are we gonna shoot?" Said the guy that controls the shooters. "WHAT!?NO!He is my son!" I said angry. "We can shoot the others like Castiel. He is tricking your son" He said. "No you are not gonna do any of that" I said. I went to walk to them but they went away. I waited to go there. After 10 minutes I went. I am a little scared that they will try to kill me. But I will do this for Dean. maybe I was wrong. I will do anything for Dean.

I went over to the other side. My heart was beating really fast. I kept going. Suddenly felt dizzy I fell to my knees. "What are you doing here!?" someone said. I tried to look up to where the voice came from. My head started to hurt more. Slowly every thing became black.

Dean's POV

I was talking to Cas. We where about to kiss then Michael stormed came in. I went away from cas. "Michael! You cant just walk in!" cas said angry. "your father tried to walk in to our place" Michael said. "did he do something?" I said. I don't know why he would walk in here. He wouldn't do that if it wasn't a reason for it. He is scared of the angels. "I don't know why he came here, I asked him what he was doing here. He didn't answer" Michael said. did he do something to him? "did you do something to him?" I asked. "are you accusing me??!" Michael said his voice. "no I-" I said "He is not accusing you. He wants to know if his dad is okay?" cas said. I looked at cas. I am glad he stands up for me. "We hand cuffed him and blind fold him." Michael said. cas looked at me. "do you wanna go and talk to him?" cas asked. I nodded.

We walked out and in to another tent. He is unconscious. Michael didn't say that. "He is unconscious?" I said and looked at Michael. "Yeah I did that" Michael said. "Is that the reason he didn't answer you?" I asked. "Maybe" Michael said looking away like he was annoyed. I looked at dad. He was laying on the ground. He was laying on his side. With his head towards me. I walked towards him. I took off the blind fold. "Dad?" I said and shaked him a little. He didn't respond.

Cas walked towards me. I looked at him. "Do you want me to wake him up?" Cas asked. I nodded. I want to know why he came. Cas put his hand on his forehead. He took his hand away a little after. Dad started to open his eyes. Dad looked at me and then around and back at me. "Are you okay?" Dad asked worried. "I am okay" I said. I am surprised that he talked to me first. I would think he would be mad for getting caught. Dad looked worried. "Can I talk to you alone Dean?" Dad said. I looked at Cas. Cas smiled at me and went out with Michael.

"How long have you known him?" Dad asked. "Since I was 7" I said. "Why didn't you tell me?" Dad asked. "I..I thought you would be mad and not let me see him anymore" I said. "Is it because you like him or that he is an angel?" dad said. I tensed then he said like. Dad noticed. "I will always love you no matter who you love, boy or girl or an angel" Dad said. I felt my eyes start to water. "I..I am sorry for what I have done to you. I never wanted to hurt you. I..I will change for you" Dad said. I tried to hold the tears in. "I would hug you if I wasn't hand cupped" Dad said. I took a deep breath. "I will try my best to change what I have done. I want you to be happy" Dad said. "Th-Thank you" I said barely without crying. "You shouldn't thank me, I should never have done this" Dad said. I went to take his hand cups off. Then I got them off dad got up. "Come" Dad said. He took his hand out for a hug. I did as he said. He hugged me. I hugged him back.

After that we went out and dad talked to them. He said he was so sorry for what he have done and that he wanted to fix what he have done. Michael was sceptic at first, but he let down. It seems like everything is going to get better. We helped to make houses in the area the angels lived. I say lived because we live all to getter now. I like this so much more. Me and Cas got a little house for our self. I love spending time with him.

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