Mountain Of Madness

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At G.U.N HQ Commander announces the soldiers must compete in a team-building exercise at a snow-covered mountain retreat.

"Can't believe Commander Abraham made us go to the mountain retreat to learn about teamwork." said Pandora.

"Teamwork is good Pandora we all worked together to defeat Dr.Eggman and Eggette."

"That's true."

The next day they went to the retreat Shadow managed to find the parking spot.

"Well here we are."

Commander begin to speak.

"Alright let me start off this is will not be walking in the park this is about teamwork the first team reaches to the cabin wins when you arrive at the cabin they will be champagne and sandwiches." 

Everyone clapped their hands.

"Shades and Shadow did you bring your family with you."

"Uh yes sir I thought I was suppose too." said Shades.

"Your family will have to remain here."

The kids groaned in disappointment.

"Don't worry kids this is national park we can have lots of fun." said Snowdrop.

"All right you know what to do I give all of you a map in the park so you'll know where the cabin is."

"I placed all of your names from this hat I draw the names you will pair up with."

His grandson Brendan took the names from the hat.

"Venice and Marshal."

"Hope and Somber."

"Oliga and Ark."

"Core and Raster."

"Chival and Apathy."

"Proj and Cosmic."

"Steroid and Mitchell."

"Weylyn and Phenomena."

"Moon and Shades."

"Cresent and Shemdow."

"Maria and Shardyn."

"Sherd and Mail."

"Shadow and Pandora."

"Rouge and Nyx."

"Omega and Alpha."

"Topaz and Frances."

"Darkness and Charlotte." 

"Finally my grandfather Commander and Brendan."

Everyone was at the starting line.

"All right on your marks get set go."

Off they went.

Flint and Peel were at the national park as well.

Flint's parents and Peel's parents told them to come back here.

Flint and Peel got on the snowmobile and went for a ride.

Shirial and his step stepsiblings were outside with him because they got bored inside.

They were looking at animals in the park.

Flint and Peel saw a cabin.

"Look Peel a cabin let's get inside."


When they got inside they enjoy the comfortable surroundings and each other's company. They clink their champagne glasses and inadvertently cause an avalanche  that buries the entire cabin. They make several attempts to escape but only cause more avalanches.

Venice and Marshal arrive at the right spot but find the cabin gone; unaware it is buried beneath them, they leave.

Everyone reach a ranger station, thinking it is their destination.

Shirial and his step siblings and Commander Abraham and Brendan arrived at ranger station.

"Wait a minute this isn't a cabin."


"We couldn't find it Commander." said Rouge.

"What do you mean you can't find the cabin it has to be here somewhere."

Snowdrop Cruz and Alpha arrived at ranger station.

Everyone was getting cold and they started a fire to keep themselves warm.

Back in the cabin, Flint and Peel start blaming each other for causing the avalanches. They realize it may take days to be rescued and pass the time by playing games and building snowmen dressed in their clothes. After a few hours they are beset by cabin fever and attempt to kill each other. After a vicious struggle, Peel accidentally ignites the propane tank, launching the building from the snow and propelling it toward the horrified workers, who are preparing a rescue operation.

"Please let me out of this rocket house.

Darius and Sapphire and Peel's parents couldn't find their sons anywhere.

"Don't worry your kids will be just fine." said the park ranger.

Shady saw something.

"Look what's that?" said Shady.

The cabin made it to a stop when the fire went out.

"Flint!" the lifeform siblings yelled.

"So everyone did you all learned about teamwork." Commander asked.

"Yes." everyone said.

"Flint you were not part of this."

"Aw fudge!" said Flint.

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