In The Mine Shaft

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One afternoon Flint had built a mine shaft in his room.

Everyone went into his room.

"What is that?" Shady asked.

"It's a shovel." said Flint.

"No that."

"That's the mine shaft."

"What it is it doing in your room."

"Well I used it to dig the mine shaft."

"No not the shovel what's the mine shaft doing in your room." said Shardyn.

"Well it's hardly gonna dig a mineshaft in the kitchen that'd be ridiculous."

"You're crazy Flint." Pandora said.

"First you invented the double decker couch and now the mineshaft." 

"I bet they've never had tenant digger mineshaft in the middle of your bedroom."

"There's a mining boom Pandora we could strike iron ore."

"Well good luck with that." said Snowdow.

"Well maybe you strike gold." said Snowdrop.

Cruz looked down in the hole.

"It's looks completely unsafe!"

Her voice echoed in hole and made a rumbling sound.

"You should probably keep you're down the mine you might cause it to caved in."

"I'm not going down there." said Moon.

"Yeah it's too dangerous." said Mitchell.

"Flint you should go down there."

"What Shardyn I'm not going down there."

"Well you're the one who made the mineshaft you blockhead."

Shardyn gave him a push.

Flint didn't fall in but he was hanging on.

Then Shardyn stomped his finger causing him to let go and fall all the way down.

"OW!" he yelled.

"Keep your voice down Flint you'll cause caved in."

"I can't feel my legs oh wait I can feel my legs."

"Can you sent me a rope down and get me out of here."

"Hang on I found something."

"What is it?" everyone asked.

"I don't know I need more light."

"Do you need a flashlight." Shades asked.

"Yes please."

Everyone jumped into the hole one by one.

"You are guys okay."

"Yeah we're fine."

"Whoa It's like finding the chaos emerald in there." Cresent said.

Flint was excited.

"We're going to be rich."

"We have to extracted the gold."

"How hard can it be to extract gold."

"It's like reading message it says are you there."

"Are you sure it didn't say you are nuts."

"Let's start mining."

Everyone got a pickaxe and started mining.

25 minutes later.

"Ok that seems to be it." Shadow said.

"We put everything in the bag."

"How do we get out of here?"

"I don't know why don't you ask a dead guy."

The lifeform siblings saw a skull and screamed.

Then they heard a rumbling sound.

"Guys get down!"

Everyone dropped to the ground and cover their face.

"Snowdrop." Shadow called.

Snowdrop Cruz and Maria heard their voices from Flint's room.

Snowdrop looked down in the hole.

"Shadow is that one down there."

"Of course it's me just sent us the rope to get us out of here.

"Here thing."

"Is Flint always like this." Maria asked.

"You'll get used to him." said Shirial.

After everyone got out.

"We just strike some gold and diamonds down there."

"This money is going to a charity." said Icey.

Milly thinks that's a good idea.

Pandora Shorts Season 3Where stories live. Discover now